just an idea sunday the day after the meet theres the state fair going on anyone interested going? might be a couple of us going already?
just thought id throw the idea out there, and dont mean for this to screw up anything with the meet
The one, the only, ME.
lol ... it won't screw up anything don't yell at roy I made him post it lol ... I'm going and I think roy is gonna go to and yeah I just thought it would be cool to get everyone to go
hmm... i don't have to be back in La Crosse any time sunday, so i might join ya.
Good the more people the better
i am going to be there!!!!!!!! it will be so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok ok....the coffee is wear'n off..............
Ok guys my idea is this ... we have to pay for parking if we go to the state fair and park or we can go to the rosedale mall and park and take the shuttle it takes 5 mins and easy fast and free lol ... it's 9 dollars to get in and lots of food
if you all want to do the shuttle thing give me a call and ill give you directions to the mall.
651-214-1175 ... and I was thinking of going early in the morning like being to the mall around 9 if thats ok with you guys?? let me know if a diff time is better
ok so looks like i may not be at the meet but i may come to the meet but may come to the day after meet, i have a free ticket to the fair so well see.....
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dats good.............i want some mini doughnuts
^ heck yea, and a corn dog, and a fired candybar on a stick!
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fryed candy bar???? talk about heart attack on a stick
lol ... those are actually really good
good luck w/ that....hope it goes well for ya
yay tommorrows the meet and the day after the fair w00t!!! haha
The one, the only, ME.