Well today i was driving down the street on my block, and this lady just decided to be driving in my lane and well i kinda jerked my car over to get out of her way quick and sure enough i hit a ice patch and my car slid sideways, I over corrected and it came around and i couldnt control it coming back and i went into a large snow pile. The other person didnt stop and i didnt really see there plates and i dont think they saw what happened so i just figured whatever. I brushed the snow off, and then i see black parts of my paint sitting in the snow. To make it short, my bumper has a big crack and is dented right on the left side, and my fender has lost most of the paint in a couple spots and is dented nicely. My corner light is barely hanging there. I guess this just gives me more of a reason to upgrade. I was wondering what all of you guys have for bumpers that are for sale. I wouldnt mind getting a BC2 front but tell me what ya got, same thing for the fenders, any will do. If any of your parts are painted black that would be even better. As for the headlights Im ordering a set of black projectors with corners tonight
. Thanks for all your help guys, and let me know what ya got.
damn man that sucks. sorry to hear about all that.
i think a plus is having a sale right now on bc2 stuff. might wanna check them out.
i'm baaaaack!!
yeah jason has the entire bc2 kit for sale 425 not a bad price at all
well im guessing this isnt what you want but i for a black 00-02 bumper with fogs and harness