GooD choice Tanya!!!!!!!..now keep it goin~
agreed DAMN nice
but all that work i did for nothing

lol j/k looking great keep up the good work on it

The one, the only, ME.

Thanks guys ill post pictures of the rear and side skirts on wednesday when I get those put on

I'm so excited YAY
Ooo...very nice. Love the color. How does your hood fit? CF right?
wow, that looks incredible. can't wait to see it in person again.
StreetDreamZz wrote:Holy Sh#t..I LOVE IT COMPARED TO LAST SUMMERS SETUP!!!!!!!!!!!
GooD choice Tanya!!!!!!!..now keep it goin~
agreed..much better then when i saw it last summer
SPEACHLESS!!!! Verynice ride I like it alot. Can't wait to see it finished.
The hood fits good ... there are some spots on the clear coat that are messed up but what can ya do lol
Very clean looking love the way it looks, awesome job.
*Happiness is like peeing in your pants, Everyone can see it, but only you can feel its warmth*
*A good friend will bail you out of jail, but your best friend will be sitting next to you saying that was Fu*king awesome*
Cardomain for the Cavy(SOLD!) -
Cardomain 4 the EVO-
I'm in love with the bumper lol
it looks good, even witha bumper I don't liek the hood goes goes well with it, overall I liek it

btw I still got an intake if your still interested
That is one mean lookin front end, can't wait to see the sides and rear.
I picked up that same intake for 50 bucks sorry lol i really need it now my intake would not fit with the hood sooo yeah but thanks ill post pictures wednesday of the entire car side skirts and rear bumper we had to raise the rear bumper about an 1 inch so it would fit lol
usually not a fan of the bomex but it looks good on yours, especially with the hood, lookin good, get the rest of the pics up
I will post pictures tonight after I get home YAY I'm so excited for the rest of my kit
I was asking because mine was a tad warpped. Nothing major, its on my car anyway. Just bugs me because I know it is.
ok bad news guys we ran into some problems with the side skirts not sure how to put them on so Arlo I might be heading down to your place on friday after i get done at jasons shop will you be around i could use some help?
if you got bomex sides, just put self-tapping screws in the door jams, works like a charm, then some in the wheel wells
where'd the rest of the body pix we were promised by wednesday!?!?!?!