oh and a used Weapon R header for the Eco.... it was a whore to install so I'm either gonna cut it out and junk out... or take my time and peek it al functional if someone wants it for $50+ shipping you don't want the bolts they are rusty you can get new ones form any hardwear store and I'll include the used gaskets although you mihgt when to take them to a parts store and see if you can get new ones that match up with those. rather then reusing old @!#$. Let me know about the header ASAP before I get out the ct off wheel in a couple hours here.
damn man....if only i had the money.
i want air sooo badly.
i'm baaaaack!!
as i said on AIM, my roommate will take the header 100% for sure just let me know on shipping to zip code 77656 thanks

The one, the only, ME.

I tried IMing you back but I got no answer caus eyou signed off right away, I had accidentally closed the the IM and forgot to right down the zip code, it wont be till next weekend that I actually get it all figured out cause I still have to remove the 3rd section form the rest of the exhaust.
alright sounds good just let me know

The one, the only, ME.

Ahh @!#$ just missed another one , hey Ryan if he doesnt take it I want next dibs..keep us posted
Thanks, Dave
its all yours Dave
he changed his mind and got new tires instead haha

The one, the only, ME.

y are u wanting to get rid of the air ride are u wanting to get springs back or what i have sprint springs and new sensitrc struts if u wanna do some trading
Sweet , Ryan Ill take it lemme know when ya have it out and stuff and i ll send ya the money...
If its still available??
Thanks, Dave
so any word yet i was wondering if ya still gonna part with it...???
Hey Dave sorry about that, I forgot this is this regional to hahaha I've only been checking the illinois one.
Pm me your adress and I'll figure out how much shipping will be, btw liek I said with the gaskets, I packed it all up yesterday and I found 2 of the 3 gaskets, I'm gonna clean up the garage today so if I find the 3rd I'll throw it in. And when you install it it NEEDS to be welded or it wont seal.
And TRD CAV I'm looking to get rid of it cause I've decieded not to go with air and use somethign alittle more sporty, I'm not looking for trades
oh yeah and Dave if we could get all this donetoday that would be great, Mondays are the only days I get to UPS during buisness hours to ship things
Ryan Pm'ed ya let me know if that works for ya ...
Thanks , Dave
Thats fine, whereever you want to do it works for me (I found the other gasket as well) but yeah the only reason I said today is cause if you were to buy it tommarow I wouldn't be able to ship it till the fallowing monday, so if wanted it ASAP I'd have to do it today.
Ryan i just thought of something , i will be drivin through there i think on the 28th so let me check for sure and depending on how big the box is maybe i can pick it up from ya...if youll be around
Thanks, Dave
p.s. did ya see how much the shipping will be by the way???
to 55082
I'll be around on the 28th but working from 9 am to 8 pm, so it would have to be before or after, another option the weekend before 4th of July I'm gonna be in Portage Wisconsin (around the dells) I would think that would be preaty close to meeting half way. But I'll get you a shipping quote tonight
Hey Ryan , my bad i wasnt lloking at the date but ill be coming through there friday during the day im guessin on my way to Cincinatti , OH im leavin here early friday and i think ill be through there if im lookin at the map right or else ill be comin back through on tuesday on my way home so...how big is the box??apporx.
lemme know ..thanks, Dave
You're going to need it dave to keep up
Somebody's gotta want his air ride, $999 is a steal!
Ill take the header asap.....no if and or buts..phil
Philly D wrote:Ill take the header asap.....no if and or buts..phil
Dude there is no if ands or buts i had dibs on it im just thinkin it would be easier if i wasa drivin right by there next week i could pick it up and save on some shipping...
but anyways let me know if youll be around and whats up
thanks, Dave
Your right you'd THINK someone would buy the air for that price.
And Philly there is a local guy who is next in line if Dave doesn't want it. Even it it takes a little while I'm not gonna sell it out form under him.
And Dave not sure if you got my PM but shipping was liek $20 (if I rember right) and wednesday I wrok form 9 am to 8 pm. So if your gonna be aorund before or after thats fine with me, besides cash is always easiest
hmm im really thinking about the air ride ryan. Find out shipping to ft worth tx 76111
I'll try to get you a qoute tommarow for shipping the air to TX, my guess based on quotes I've got from other people is $150 or so, I highly dought over $200, problem is its heavy and to fit an air tank you need a BIG box, it would come in 2-3 boxes, but I'll get a more specific quote hopefully tommarow, if you don't get a qote form me tommarow PM me, I'm preaty drunk right now so theres no garantee I'll remember in the mourning

And Dave sorry I missed when you said you had the wrong date, this coming saturday I'm leave form work to go to Portage wisconsin (out near the dells) and I will be heading home tuesday on the 4th. The box is roughly 20 x 18 x 12 or so, its not huge but its not small, its actually packed in a box form a lamp