hey Cavigirl can you send a lil better pic of the bumper. Also do you have the front.
emial is thunder_53218@yhaoo.com im interested
if it was for a sunfire id take it hahah thats alot less damage then my bumper has

The one, the only, ME.
ok honestly drive to my house and pick it up its free first person to email and say they will come get it... takes it
Cavi i will pick it up. Whats your address. Im in milwaukee. I will pick up asap.
bruce johnson wrote:Cavi i will pick it up. Whats your address. Im in milwaukee. I will pick up asap.
she lives in MN up by the twin cities. free or not that is quite a drive.
What you know about Street Racing anyways? Only what Fast & Furious taught us....
i live at 9237 172nd Ave Forest Lake MN 55025
it is a drive it takes me 5 hours to get to appleton but its your call
Cavi i emailed you with details. Very sorry. Check mail though. Thank you!
im updating my pic of the car check it out in my profile.
well if you want to do the 03 upgrade i have an 03 bomex bumper for sale i was backed into so there is hole that needs to be fixed but im wiling to part with it for 50 lol
lol, what would shipping cost. Maybe.
like i said im coming throw wi on the 28th if your up for it you can meet me on my way to chicago i have to check with some friends see if they are willing to put the bumpers in their cars but should be ok
hey cavi are you taking i-43 to chi town.
If so i could meet ya' just off the freeway.
im not sure ill email you tomorrow night and let you know which way we are taking
ok, i belive there is two main freeways that go through milwaukee i could do either one. Meet at a gas station or something that way you could get right back on the freeway right away. Let me know. Thank you.
ok, Talk to ya' tomarrow about details. I really do appreciate it. Thank You!
If all goes well on your end I will take them both. Again Thank you!