First is a 96 2.4 motor brian and i removed from my car . motor has 135k on it, but ran perfect when we removed it. We swapped in a 2k motor.
It is just taking up space. I believe it is in my parents garage(dad was complaining to get it outta his way) in new berlin(waukesha).
150$ for it. I live in wausau now, and if someone up this way needs it, i can have my dad bring it up here and we can figure it out from there.
cartech FMU- removed my s/c and no longer need this part. 100$ shipped.
RK cold air intake extension with out a filter( you would need a 2.75inch inner diameter filter). 50$ shipped. it is the pipe that goes from the end of the s tube, down into the fenderwell.
that is a picture of it(minus the filter).
post back here, or e mail me at
Basically slowying getting rid of stuff here and there, the motor my dad has been bugging me about for a while and just have some misc. parts i dont need and i am sure someone else will. also I am starting to save up for a new vehicle.
What you getting to replace the GreenZ?
Honda mayhap?
Suspension Division - "Handling Before Horsepower"
Making the turns since 1999
1998 EK Civic Hatch - Yes, it's a Honda.