I was wondering if anybody new the darkest % you could with window tint cuz i dont wanna get a ticket or ask a cop. thanx for the help ~Jason~
i have %25 and i have had it for a long time and have not been bothered yet
I have been pulled over twice for it, and I live in MN. I think mine is like 15% though
Both officers told me you can't go more than 50% all the way around. So if you wanted to go dark, go with like 40 or 45%
You can't tint the front window either correct?

im pretty postitive in all states only thing for the front you cant do is a banner
6-8"from the top
and windows depends on state
wisconsin is
50% front
35% rear
last friday i got mine tinted 38% all round looks nice, sorry no pics because since then its been colder the %@*^ and i havnt washed my car toooo cold

Lanman31337 -F = fatties = do not want. A little chunk in the junk is ok though.
In minnesota you can do 50% on all windows but the windshield and nothing on the windshield is legal not a banner not even a sticker that says "chevy". I know a few people around here that have been pulled over for having a small sticker in there back window.
I had 35% on my car and got one ticket about an hour north of duluth and another a month later about 30 seconds from my house in a town of about 200 outside of Alexandria, mn.
I just payed by third tint ticket about 2 weeks ago on a car I don't even own anymore. After 3 tickets and a total 430-dollars later, I have decided I will never get my windows tinted on any car I own ever again. The judge....(here in Wisconsin) said police all over have been given extra tint meters and are making a new push to bust as many cars as possible.
-50% is legal in Wisconsin....but you must factor in the amount of light that can come in through not only the tint film, but also the window and tint combined....so you may have to get say 55% or greater to be legal.
2%...might as well paint your windows black
i was actually was goin to paint them..but i coulndt decide wat would work better..spray paint or regular paint..so i decided id do it the legit way..
i hear corse rollers work well, and add a nifty texture at the same time!!
corse rollers? ill have to try that then..THANKS for the TIP!
wow this has gotten a little outta hand.................................. course roller

well if you wanna go for it. tell us how it goes.......
wow!!! u gotta see my whip now! it took about 6 coats to cover the clear glass but it actually worked..i wanst gunna do i tat first..but thanks to your guys helpfull hints and tips i did it..and man does it look great! THanks again!! ill try n get sum pics up here Asap!
WTF dude...you painted your damn windows? Are you DUMB!?!
dear god i hope he was just trying to out do my thick thick scarcasm i was trying to imply about the painting and the roller crap
yea..i caught ur thick thick sarcasm..i was just seeing if u guys caught mine..-obviously not-..well people that is all
im in wisconsin and i have been pulled over once and they metered my windows.... turns out I have 3.7% all the way around and a banner on the windshield
300hp&tq coming soon
and how much was the ticket??