well, since the car season is pretty much over, and winter is only a short while away... it's time to plan a ski/snowboard trip.
this time i want to get a nice big group together (more than 3 people) so we can possibly get a group discount at Welch Village. i know im starting this thread pretty early (not even snow on the ground yet), but i want to give people as much time as possible to make plans with work or school or whatever. im open to suggestions as to when the ideal weekend would be to do this, but im thinking either December or January some time.
i've already talked to a few people about this, and i know there's interest in doing this... so im going to start a list.
1. Tony (cannon fodder)
also, bring friends. i'd like the list to be at least 15+ people, the more the better. let's get this going strong and make it worth everyone's time.
I'm totally in!! I'll just need to know exact dates kinda soon so I can take off of work and also make sure that it's not during the time that I will be in Park City, UT for snowboarding or when my tonsils are getting taken out (jan. 15) lol
1. Tony (cannon fodder)
2. Heather (quikchk) + Adam (boyfriend)
****new sig coming soon!!!**** (hopefully)lol
"I'm the girl your mother warned you about" te he he
ok... good point. i need people to post when they would be available to do this. if you have specific plans for a week/weekend let me know what days DON'T work for you, but if you're free any weekend just say so. that will help narrow it down so we can decide what weekend to do this quickly so people can make plans.
1. Tony (cannon fodder)
2. Heather (quikchk) + Adam (boyfriend)
I haven't snowboarded in like two years, maybe I will do some tubbing lol. But I am free any weekend.
ill go 4 sure but i think we should go to afton or powder ridge
1. Tony (cannon fodder)
2. Heather (quikchk) + Adam (boyfriend)
3. Drew (TRD CAV)
I might be up for it depending on where its at...
well, i think for this meet we can go to Welch Village... if it's a success then we can hit up Afton or some other place the next month... who knows. i'd love to have more than one ski/snowboard meet this winter.
so is there any interest in this???
i'd be up for it, but its a long ways from the milwaukee area. that and i still not that great at boarding. went out twice last winter. only made it down the hill once without falling.
What you know about Street Racing anyways? Only what Fast & Furious taught us....
I think I would go, I would bring some friends up too. I just need a good month or so of advanced notice so I can get some cash together.
I WANNA GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

****new sig coming soon!!!**** (hopefully)lol
"I'm the girl your mother warned you about" te he he
Im done and I could get a few more makato peeps to join. Im sure arlo would join as well. As far as a date, I can go whenever as long as i have 3 weeks in advance to get off from work.
does welch have a board park?
TRD CAV wrote:does welch have a board park?
Yes they do.... plus just like afton they have things randomly spread around the hill as well... Afton sucks man just cuz its too narrow of runs and WAY to crowded... welch is the same size hill with just as many runs but wider lanes and less ppl...
and i will SO be there i dont care if only TWO ppl show up... lol... but i think this is a damn fine idea tony and i'll be there for sure... we MIGHT even get dylan to get out there again...
as far as a date goes... we might wanna wait until early to mid december to make sure they have a decent amount of runs open... so just keep intouch with the website that fodder posted above and that'll give us a "foundation" on a good date...
well, im thinking either early to mid January... just so people can get some practice time in before hand, and maybe some people might get skis or a snowboard for christmast (namely myself, haha).
i need to know what weekend works best for people though so we can get this thing really planned.
can anybody join along?
Project Resurrection is in full swing!
As far as a weekend to go........I'll be in Park City, UT from Jan 5-12 n then I get my tonsils out on Jan 15, so the weekend before Jan 12-14 would work best cause I already know I have off, lol.
****new sig coming soon!!!**** (hopefully)lol
"I'm the girl your mother warned you about" te he he
well, january 13th is a saturday... and about middle of the month is when i was figuring would be a good time... how's that sound for everyone else?
Only if its late in the afternoon/evening. I will be working until 5 or 6 then. So maybe do it sometime around 7 and go until midnight or so...
well, i'd like to get there earlier than 7, but you can join up with us when you get done with work.
i think i may be in... where exactly is this located?
yup im in
1. Tony (cannon fodder)
2. Heather (quikchk) + Adam (boyfriend)
3. Drew (TRD CAV)
4. Chris (thegreenmachine) + possibly Wade (friend)
not really feelin the love here, come on guys (and girls)... spread the word, let's get this party started.