Selling my 98 Eclipse 5-speed it needs a new head gasket but has a brand new tranny with only 20,xxx miles on it.
Brand new water pump, timing belt, power steering belt, cd player/mp3 player... has 150,xxx miles on it drives great starts everytime just needs a new head gasket which i was told can be done for 534.40 at auto value in forest lake which is where i live. They also warranty the water pump and everything I had put into it 3 weeks ago. I put 850 bucks into this car I would like to get atleast 2500 for it seeing has kelly blue book is 3,995 even in poor condition.
This car can be sold for 3500 - 4000 easy if someone takes the time to do the head gasket.
2500 or best offer
Was broken into on the drivers side door but I have an extra door for it pictures below
New Door
yeah well lets just say i wont buy another dsm lol
face it your stuck on your J body


The one, the only, ME.
thats not a real DSM..
whats wrong with it besides the headgasket? because they really aren't that hard to do.
nothing thats it head gasket is the only problem
to bad u didn't take payments

! if so i'd be on this like stink on sheet
Well my Dad is being a nice guy and is going to fix it for me good thing I have 2 cars lol so its not for sale anymore im sorry i wouldnt get the money i need for it
bump price is down to 1800 needs a new head gasket thats it
Ill give you a 88 dodge ram for off roading and a beater 96 z24
If You Can't Boost It, Juice It!
i have been trying i thought my dad was going to fix it but we decided not to ... do you have pictures of both the truck and car?
does it run?? and would it last a 3 hour trip to lacrosse, WI? i'm intrested...
oh yeah it runs great the oil is just starting to turn milky and when you stop it leaks anti freeze from the back of the engine but not alot i filled it full so it should be good to go... when i noticed it leaking i just parked it because i didn't know if driving it would ruin it or not. But she runs great.... starts everytime with question.
you be willing to meet half way? really intersted....!! i'll stop at the bank and see if im good for the loan.
i can meet half way yeah let me know what the bank says and if your still interested let me know
and i don't know if you need any cavalier parts but i have some stock springs and some misc plastic parts and an extra set of stock seats i could throw in for free
gota wait till sat when my daddy comes =D
Hey Tanya, about those stock seats
both fronts and both rear pieces? if so what color, pics, and how much
just both front seats its the black color and free if you come pick them up lol
just let me know saturday at the lastest if you can
also, just checking but the title is clear correct.
have oil and antifreeze mixed yet?? i've been talking to dad he says that it is a huge problem if it has, and i shouldn't even bother....if its minimul ......