Anybody live around here willing to meet up somewhere soon?
i'm out in rogers, so anywhere really would be cool with me.
dude come to the dells meet man...SEC-Z, TheGreenMachine + 1, and TRD CAV are all coming from around that area!!! we're all meetin up here in Winona with another 2 of us and cruisin' down together.
i would, but i have school and work, and im only in high school, so that could end up being one expensive weekend.
plus, my car is still bone stock, and i dont wanna be blow out by your guys'.
man its not about mods...its about common interests. Its not about'll be respected just for havin a J there. and NO its not expensive at all. I preregistered for 12 bucks..all ya gotta do is pay for food 'n gas...just crash on someone's hotel floor. I know a guy that's in high school on here that's goin to the meet and is actually cruisin down with us!!
consider it...4real it'll be a good way to meet people on here too
im not sure man. by that point, i will only of had my liscense for a month. and i doubt the parents would let it happen.
i hate being under their control. but i think after, we should get some people to meet up.
and i didnt realize that winona is so far away from the cities.
Eastwood wrote:im not sure man. by that point, i will only of had my liscense for a month. and i doubt the parents would let it happen.
i hate being under their control. but i think after, we should get some people to meet up.
and i didnt realize that winona is so far away from the cities.
SO FAR? say wha? you can tell you havn't had ur license very long bud...its a straight shot under 2 hr drive 'n when ur cruisin w/ a bunch of J's it feel pretty quick. I drive back 'n forth all the time...def not a haul what so ever
I wont be there either!

ill be working on your car lance... and its the GF birthday and and.... not into the jbody scene anymore
I'm planning on having an Eau Claire meet here soon, still tossing up the idea in the air if your willing to drive an hour and a halfish.
yeah we should have a meet in eau claire..i tried gettin boltz to get one up there for the WI j's but he wouldn't because most of that group is from the milwaukee area which sux cuz we never make it to any of the meets cuz we dont feel like drivin 4 hours one way and 'n then back for a meet that lasts like 3 hours?
WELL, i DID drive to willmar yesterday and back...4 hrs there ..4 hrs back..only stayed like 'n hour


but yeah we should def get a date 'n place for one in EC too...are there any actual car shows up there? you should find out
wasas9 wrote:I'm planning on having an Eau Claire meet here soon, still tossing up the idea in the air if your willing to drive an hour and a halfish.
I'd totally be up for that. I'm moving to Eau Claire within the next month or two, so it would be nice to meet some people around there.

2010 Subaru Impreza WRX Limited
1999 Cavalier Z24 Supercharged
1999 Grand AM SE (Beater Car)
1997 GMC Sierra
2007 Honda CBR 600RR
2005 Honda TRX450R
i'm down for a meet in Eu claire, its a 2 hr drive for me but i'm still down, I'd like to meet a couple of you and see a couple that i haven't in awhile..East wood, I'm from Blaine/ Anoka Area so just hit me up anytime.. name is Ryan
im down for an Eau Claire meet, gotta see some more people, saw j hound last night in st. paul, and some sweet trd kitted cav, was black had 2k lights and 2k toyos anyone no that car? sorry for thread jackin clint
Luke Heier wrote:wasas9 wrote:I'm planning on having an Eau Claire meet here soon, still tossing up the idea in the air if your willing to drive an hour and a halfish.
I'd totally be up for that. I'm moving to Eau Claire within the next month or two, so it would be nice to meet some people around there.
hey man i remember you from rockfalls last october!! I had the green Z24 and got 2nd place in the consolation races by .0068 due to bad r/t. ( i was having solid .033-.2 R/Ts all day)
haha remember me?
Hmmmm....I was definitely there, but I don't recall seeing you there. I won the first round of racing, so I didn't stay for the consolation races. I have a bad memory

If I saw your car, I would probably remember, haha. But anyway, that would be cool if we could meet up in EC. If I get an apartment before then, we could all meet up there.

2010 Subaru Impreza WRX Limited
1999 Cavalier Z24 Supercharged
1999 Grand AM SE (Beater Car)
1997 GMC Sierra
2007 Honda CBR 600RR
2005 Honda TRX450R
Yeah i came up and talked to you while you were icing your 'charger haha
wasas9 wrote:I'm planning on having an Eau Claire meet here soon, still tossing up the idea in the air if your willing to drive an hour and a halfish.
I'd be down for a meet in EC
ha damn i didn't know there would be so much interest for an EC meet. Usually there are all the meets in milwaukee and i am not driving 3.5 hours, especially to milwaukee.
Well we should get something going then huh, I know some great places to go then we can hit up a restaurant or something then go to action city.
theres already some interest in a EC meet we should prob start a diff thread on it cuz this one is titled minneapolis and an EC thread will pull more people for it
wasas9 wrote:i live in EC...muhaha
Wouldn't happen to know of any nice 3 bedroom apartments for rent, would you?!

2010 Subaru Impreza WRX Limited
1999 Cavalier Z24 Supercharged
1999 Grand AM SE (Beater Car)
1997 GMC Sierra
2007 Honda CBR 600RR
2005 Honda TRX450R
black window cav with the trd kit
TRD CAV wrote:black window cav with the trd kit
? it was a black cav, trd kit, black wheels i think
TRD CAV wrote:and.... not into the jbody scene anymore
you know... just a thought... but you KEEP bringing it up... trying to make it very appearent that your not intrested in this "scene" anymore...
If thats the truth... than why do you keep posting here?