Ok so there was talk of having a meet on the weekend before the dells weekend and i thought there would be some people showing up??? Now i know i didnt make a new topic to pull attention to it but anyway as in previous post this is the reason people stopped setting up and having meets, because reguardless of planning, dates or locations..., someone always got a reason why they can't make it...
So even with only a couple days notice here is the outcome...
The usual crowd Me , Jason and Ryan...so at least we know whos really gonna be around for meets in the futre...lol
Now this was a meet!!!!
and keep in mind this was an hour away from the cities...
i had fun at both meets

nice seeing you and jason again..its been awhile
ohh btw, i won't be going to uni tonight i guess
week after the dells we'd easily have four more dave...and i bet I could get drew to come to another one too(orange cav) so that'd be five right there not including you three which is 8 already
off topic, but when is your car going to be out of paint booth street?
i really wanna see it
yup, exactly why you havn't seen a rochester meet thread yet. there's so many people in this forum, but nobody wants to go to meets. sad.
im going to the bash, where i know there's gonna be people.
oh we want meets tony...like i said i'd be there..and i'm sure i can get a lot more people to come!!!
lol.. you say that now but when it comes down to it.. no one will show up
no dude...they will...trust me..i'll MAKE 'EM!! I know where they live
as i said i worked 830-830 i created the thread you think i dont want to show? reason i worked... was for my buddy to make some money as well as i cuz i want my turbo on... he needs to finish as many jobs as he can he needs money. why u ask? his bagged cavy burned to the ground thurs night in his garage, its totally gone and his home is not livable, all thats left is a metal ring for the steering wheel, the seat brackets, and his air tank in the trunk... sux

and im not yelling just lettin u guys no whats up, sorry guys
im in Florida Dave

And you know I'm down in Mankato, my work is gay about taking days off, etc. Hibbing is a for sure though, just have to get my time off request in soon. Other than that, I totally agree about the meet situation. Heck it used to be Dylan, Arlo, Jason, Joe, Nick, you, and me all the time. The good ole days.
Boosted 2200, Summer 2007
so lets set one up for the week after the dells meet.....
i would have been there but i was having a b day

its beer season
ok i cant be there the weekend after but stay tuned for a meet I AM going to set up Jason and I were talking about it on saturday
kk lets get a date..time..place set so we can work it into schedules instead of workin a meet around schedules already made
^^^that's what happens every time.....some dumbass has to come into the topic that says here is the meet...make it or not...and say"I can't make it that day , let's make it the next weekend" and then everything gets all @!#$up...........
So when you make a new meet topic, make it clear that that's when it is, and it's not changing....if you can't make it too damn bad!!!!!!!!

USACi =>146.9db
14.88 @ 90.73MPH =>GM Charger, Motor Mounts, Catback exhaust
o you lil bitches lol the cav will be sexy i just got tein baics coilovers and rota d2 rims for the cav but it might be parked if i get the miata back this week