Anyone on here cruise Uni on Friday nights? I should be out there most weekends but don't know many people that go down there. Hit me up if you do.
i go out there all the time but havent this year yet last year every friday lol let me know man ill intro you to ppls
Im out there every weekend with my team Open Throttle Performance, we should get people together and cruise!
where do you guys usually hang out up there, when i was there last time we were in a parking lot where all those imports
Nick, Yes and No, im in the process of redoing everything, This time its going to be all domestic. I have already gained alot more sponsors and have everything rolling pretty good. If anyone wants to join send me a pm, we are a racing team plus we attend alot of car shows around the area. The main reason is to get people together that like the same thing and hang out and help other members if they need it!
sec-z and i was there saturday
I was at Arby's down by the bikes last time I went. Rolled through the import lot though by wendy's just before I took off. Didn't have my car though since it was down in the Grove. Any other spots you guys hang out?
I hope it does too, theres going to be no drama this time, believe me. It has always been going since before, it just kind of died down, Im going to revive it again to become something great.
kind of off topic but what's OTP?
mr josh we are on again i joined and came all the time and all of a sudden it was like no club anymore lol
Yes Drew, we are on again

. And Nick as far as im concerned your still part of the team man!
I try to be out there every friday night, Honk if you see me! You will see my glowing red wheels from 1 mile away!
I should be out there this friday. Maybe I'll see one or two of you guys there. where do you usually chill?
chris and warren are you going to be out tomarrow night? i need to make some cash lol
So, I got pulled over last week for having a "loud muffler". Does anyone want to offer up some advice since every car in Porky's is louder than my car? I only have a custom cat-back system with 2.5" mandrel piping and a Megan GT muffler with a 4" tip. I have heard trucks that are louder. Also, would puting in my silencer decrease the ticket at all?
Um go to court? Don't pay that ticket take that to court it will get dropped right away. The cops on uni and around uni pull alot of people over and give them tickets for loud exhaust but if you go to court they will most likely drop it. I got the ticket once and it was dropped because they couldn't prove it was over a certain des rating.
What about a Failing to use turn signal upon lane switch....Take it to court, or no?