Just thought I'd throw this one out there,
How many people here live in or near Owatonna? I know a couple of people that do, but there's gotta be more considering there's a few modded J's around here. We should all get together sometime and get to know eachother a little, and help eachother out (if anyone actually comes out of the woodwork). It would also be nice If I wasn't the only one from here that goes to meets. What about Faribault, or Waseca, there close too. I can't be the only one from around here. (with the exeption of Turbotech with is fairly active, and at least Drew L is a member, inactive as he is).
i live in owatonna, im up for whatever, im in illinois right now but ill be back i about a week or so
idk where that is but im from buffalo so if you know where that is maybe im close?
I live in Rochester so if you guys wanna meet up let me know ill be there.
i think buffalo is about 1.5 - 2 hours away i got my bodykit from that area
Jason with A Plus is from there

Performance Parts For Cavalier, Sunfire, Cobalts and More!!!
I got my exaust from a plus performance, Its over a 2 hour dirve easy if your hauling ass. Owatonna is about a 1/2 hour to 45 minute drive sounth of burnsville. (Where I35 and H14 meet).
My cars on the ramps in my parking lot right now, I finally realized that the exaust is leaking at the downpip, and I'm gunna have to try and fix it quick before work tonight, I was wondering why the car was running crappy. LOL. Anyway, I work Sunday thru Thuesday nights 6pm to 6am (sometimes Sat), so if anyone feels like bs'ing or whatever just say so. Oh here's a list of J's I know in town (modded), maybee it will get some people to post something

(not counting me aaron or drew)
All 3rd gen by the way...Early model blue Cavy with full body kit, 2 late model yellow z24's (one stock looking, other with fiberglass wing), early model black sunfire (looks like mine and drews alot), white 4-door sunfire w/ vinyl and graphics, red ecotec cavy with CF hood, theres a silver sunfire or 2, and a bondo's up green cavy with kit.
Turbo Tech Racing wrote:Jason with A Plus is from there 
i know i love it

hes been a friend of mine for a loooong time
if you ever wanna meet up..you know where i work weebel so just let me know haha
the red cavy with the carbon fiber hood is from waseca..aaron and i know the guy. actually aaron knows him a little better, but still. the white 4 dr is owned by a guy but his girlfriend drives it most of the time. he has stopped me before and asked me where i have gotten some of my stuff. hes a pretty cool guy. but just let me know!
I've seen that red cavy at happy chef late at night a few time (I have to weigh the trucks I drive for work at the truck stop), it used to have 2.2 ecotech on the fenders, and I thought that was funny thats why I remember it. Capt. Cavelier is the one with the blue cavy I was thinking of, didn't notice is sig until now, I've seem the car around alot. I'm probably gunna be at autozone wed morn when they open to get the parts I need to fix my A/C, so I can drive to the meet in frosty luxury, plus my cars do for an oil change. Hey drew, have you decided if your going up there yet? I don't know how tired I'll be wednesday night after working all night then being up all day working on my car, but let me know when you get off work and maybee I'll stop by (wed or thur). You probably know more people around here than I do, and I don't know what we'd do but let me know man.
Oh I forgot....HEY TURBOTECH.....
Do you know someone named Jesse Klecker? He was giving me crap telling me I should boost my car and bragging, about how fast his 400hp grand prix GTP he used to have was, and I told hime there's a guy that might go to the meet with a black turbocharged Cavy with the same engine my car has, and it's fast as hell, so if I turbo's my car correctly, I could make my car run 12's with enough money..he stopped and blurted out "Aaron Harris" with a suprised look on his face, it was funny as hell. I've known the guy for several years, and he's always gatching me off gaurd like that. One of his buddy's just got out of the hospital after totaling his brand new (haven't made a payment yet) R6 crotch rocket, trying to keep up with him doing over 100mph through the s-bends near wabasha...and he's trying to talk me into going riding with him... he's freaking crazy. I was kinda wondering what was going on, and if you know him, because is reaction struck me as strange.
^^ I dont know anyone in Owatonna that doesn't know me and my cavalier, it is VERY well known. I know Jesse Klecker and he was prob. supprised you knew who i was... LOL

Performance Parts For Cavalier, Sunfire, Cobalts and More!!!
Hey I live in Rochester, I'm cool with meetin up some time !!!!!!
Lifes a B**ch,
You marry one,
Then you DIE!!
4U2NV wrote:Hey I live in Rochester, I'm cool with meetin up some time !!!!!!
What do you drive? Cavi or sun
So u guys up for this meet or what?
Do you mean the one in the cities or just us local guys? I'm going to the one in the cities this saturday, anyone that can make it should go, it would be a great way to get to know eachother. As far as just us guys meeting up, lets find a date that everyone can make it too. Hey drew I don't know how late you work for sure, but I'll try stopping by before Sat, maybee tonight, I kinda just broke up with my GF and I'm looking for something to do anyway.
Well its my daughters frirst b-day on sat, so i won't be able to make it to the cities meet.
Also from Rochester here. Rollie and I know each other, but I don't think I know 4U2NV. What car you drive? I just picked up my Sunfire GT last week and it all fixed and running. I use to have a red sunfire, but my brother has it now. I'm up for meeting up sometime, it just has to be the right day and time. I'm working 75 hours a week, so I don't have a lot of free time right now.
Hey Capt Cavelier, are you back in town? I could swear I saw your car last night near downtown.
Drew, it looks like I'll probably be busy tonight too, but if you or Aaron decide that your going for sure tomarrow, one of you let me know and I'll drive up there with ya.
Hey matt how is the sunfire running?
Pretty good. Picked it up for 1300 bucks and thankfully no tranny problems. Had a wheel bearing going out. Put in about 750 bucks in repairs and tune ups. Its a lot better than the red sunfire. You in town this weekend?
yeah i'm back now, i got back on the 5th of july but was got reallt sick fro a couple weeks ended up in the hospital over in kato for a couple days, but now i'm in town( my cousin was barrowing my car while i was gone so thats why you probably saw it). I might be able to do something soon we got the fair comming next week so i might be busy.
P.S. Car will be for sale again if anyone knows of anyone who might be interested I'd like to see $4000 out of it.
I'm also looking for a set of stock springs and struts for a fair price.
^^ What you got on your car now? I still have a stock suspension, I'll trade ya even up

Seriousely though, If your still looking for stock struts whenever I replace mine I'll throw ya a line but that might be awhile.