wats up to all the guys that used to hang out at arlo and dylan's place. we should have a bbq or something. Touch base with you all again and see whats going on in eveerybodys lives. I dropped my phone down a fish hole so lost all numbers. I saw wolfman the other day. well talk to u all later.
ALmost forgot I don't have internet at my place anymore we moved to farmington. So if i can't check this often . If you wanna get a hold of me my cell number is 612- 756- 0212
i might be able to make that but i don't know any of you guys I only met cannon once i'm talkin the guys i used to chill with
whats wrong with meeting new people?
Hey Jeff, we're still around. Dylan, Arlo, Jason, Dave, and myself hangout quite a bit still. I'm back in Mankato now for school though so I'm not able to get up to the cities very often.
Boosted 2200, Summer 2007
QuasiZ (Raiseup) wrote:Hey Jeff, we're still around. Dylan, Arlo, Jason, Dave, and myself hangout quite a bit still. I'm back in Mankato now for school though so I'm not able to get up to the cities very often.
yeah..he's doin the "school thing"..like me!! ..lol
hey mike..lemme know when ya wanna party it up in kato man!!
StreetDreamZz wrote:QuasiZ (Raiseup) wrote:Hey Jeff, we're still around. Dylan, Arlo, Jason, Dave, and myself hangout quite a bit still. I'm back in Mankato now for school though so I'm not able to get up to the cities very often.
yeah..he's doin the "school thing"..like me!! ..lol
hey mike..lemme know when ya wanna party it up in kato man!!
Are you going to school down here as well?! As far as partying it up, im game, just have to find some time.
Boosted 2200, Summer 2007
I talked to ya at the meet dude....I go to WSU!!!