Well, I can't believe this crap.. I quess it's what I get for slaving at my full time job during the night.
I have a leagal exaust, and a few of you have heared it, and it's not any louder than most of yours, but since I'm out at night, I'm ticket candy for the cops. God I hate cops sometimes.
I'm assuming a few of you have gotten loud exaust tickets before (Minnesota), and I'm wondering how much this dang thing will cost me, I live in steele county but I don't think that makes a difference.
I've been thinking of welding in a resonator, but I'm probably not. Screw them... for now on I'm just not going to go anywhere at night anymore.... the cops leave me alone during the day.
The dick cop asked me If I've been pulled over for my exaust before (knowing I have), and I said yes. He asked me why I hadn't gotten it fixed, and all I could think of is "IT AINT BROKEN!". I told him that the woman that pulled me over before said that it really wasn't that bad and that I should just take it easy for now on, and she didn't say anything about changing the exaust, wich was the truth. He basically said that was BS and I should have gotten it fixed since I've been pulled over before and wrote me a ticket. I KNOW beyond a doubt that my exaust is leagal, but the loudness kinda screws me.
If the ticket is under $100 I'll just take my chances.. F@CK em, the exaust is leagal, so all they can do is keep writing me tickets for the volume level. He says the exaust shouldnt be louder than the engine noise of the car.. maybee I should just make my engine louder
What really pisses me off is the if I where driving somthing with a V-8 like a mustange or pickup with a loud exaust, he would have never pulled me over. I wonder if there is a study that proves that anywhere.
Well here's a copy of the ticket with my personal info blacked out.... if anyone knows what the fine is please let me know. thanx.
be careful if you dont fix it you can get a failure to obey an officer citation which is 3 pts. played that game the man always wins
resonators are overrated, i have one and i hate it. sounds bad. just dont make a lot of noise at night

when i go into "stealth mode" i shift at 2000-2500
johnny law doesnt bother me, good thing

12.33 @ 111.67 mph [Oct 2009]
Dyno'd on 08/02/09 - Mustang Dyno:
327.6 WHP 333.6 WTQ [10.1 AFR]
i'm sorry dude...but your exhaust is REALLLLLLLY loud, not gunna lie. its really raspy which makes it sound even louder then a fart can or duals
here is the law. 169.69
169.69 Muffler.
Every motor vehicle shall at all times be equipped with a
muffler in good working order which blends the exhaust noise
into the overall vehicle noise and is in constant operation to
prevent excessive or unusual noise, and no person shall use a
muffler cutout, bypass, or similar device upon a motor vehicle
on a street or highway. The exhaust system shall not emit or
produce a sharp popping or crackling sound. Every motor vehicle
shall at all times be equipped with such parts and equipment so
arranged and kept in such state of repair as to prevent carbon
monoxide gas from entering the interior of the vehicle.
No person shall have for sale, sell or offer for sale or
use on any motor vehicle any muffler that fails to comply with
the specifications as required by the commissioner of public
step one. go to a reputable exhaust place, i.e. exhaust pro's or something similar. explain the situation to the owner or manager. ask them to do a quick inspection of your exhaust to see it is within legal standards. when it passes you ask them to write a short statement and sign it.
step two. take your ticket and the signed statement to your police station and talk to the highest ranking officer you can. odds are in your favor that they will sign off on the ticket and void it. and also ask the officer to talk to his employees about harassing citizens with legally modified cars and writing bogus tickets that can and will raise your insurance rates for no reason.
step three. print a copy of the law and keep a copy of it and the signed statement in your car to prevent you from getting any further tickets. problem solved.
Hey shaggy... where did you find that? I found my local city ordinance (says the same thing). But I'm having trouble finding a site where I can just look it up by the # such as 169.69 in this case.
I've been keeping the car below 2500rpm in the meantime and you can barely hear it.
I've had the exaust for almost 2 years, and I've been pulled over a few times for BS stuff where I didn't get a ticket, and I've had several cops tell me that my exaust isn't too loud (normal driving such as not punching it like we do at meets sometimes), and now all of a sudden it's a problem, maybee I could tell the judge that. And also let him know that I told the officer that wrote me the ticket, that I was going to "fix" the exaust on payday because the woman that pulled me over before said I was borderline too loud, and he just wrote me a ticket anyway. You would think there would be some kind of grace period, or at least have to have a written warning first or something. Either way, it's unreasonable any way you look at it.
If my car didn't pop a little when I let off the gas, I'de be good to fight this, it looks like I'll just have to pay the ticket this time, quiet down my exaust, and if I get another ticket, then I'll be able to raise the BS flag. I don't suppose the judge will want to walk outside and listen to my car, so I could have a chance on the unreasonableness of it, but I doubt it.
God I hope the ticket isn't that much.. if it is, I'm going to wait to pay it (not due until early October), install a resonator or something to quiet it down, and go to court telling the judge about what I siad above, and that I've even fixed it since then, and just pray too god, he or she got laid the night before. I guess if I loose I'll just have to pay thie ticket, which I would have to do anyway.
Thanx for helping / listening guys, this just really pisses me of bad for some reason. I've gotton speeding tickets I didn't deserve and have shrugged it off, but this just seems personal.
Hopefully I'll have the resonator / cherry bomb in before this weekend and you guys can tell me what you think at the meet. (I'm doing it eather way). I'm sure as heck not putting a stock muffler back on the car like the cop said I need too.
Thanx again peoples, see ya all in a week (some of you anyway

Man I'm being a post whore on my own thread
Just to let you guys know...
The ticket runs $98
I just called and found out... just so y'all know if any of you get one.
well don't feel so bad...i got a 94 dollar seat belt ticket when i was in cali!!!!!!!!!!! I JUST GOT IT IN THE MAIL LAST WEEK...PISSSSSSSSSSED me the )_(*Y OFF!
cop that pulled me over was a complete dick...i was like "how much do you think this will be?"..and he was like.."is this your first one?" and i'm like "FIRST WHAT?" and he's like "first ticket in california"(was drivin my gf's car w/ SD plates on it), and i'm like.....
"THIS IS MY FIRST DAYYYYYYY EVER IN CALIFORNIA"..and he's like.."well, prob around 100 bucks" ...told him thanks a lot and threw the ticket on the passanger floor...
did the cop take a decible reading on your exhaust? i don't see it on the ticket if he did, which i think he should have to do before issuing a ticket for a noise violation such as this.
^^^ Nope... no decible readin but if you look up the local laws, it doesn't say they have too. I wish it did because my car would pass. Those of you that have heard my car really havn't heard it during normal driving, you can actually barely hear it at 30mph which was what I was doing when I got pulled over. You really cant hear it at that speed over normal traffic. I've actually caught people I know off gaurd that way because they thought they would be able to hear my car coming before I pulled up next to them.
I really don't feel like doing anything to my exaust, and what bothers me more than anything is that the cops can pull me over anytime thay want no matter how loud or quiet my car is and give me a ticket. It's not that my car is too loud, it's because it's a 4 cylinder, and we all know thats true.
This is the first exaust ticket I've ever gotton and I've owned some pretty loud cars.... I'm sure Tony remembers how loud my Sunbird was, I deserved to get pulled over for driving that thing, and I never got a ticket once.
I'm just not going to drive anywhere (or at least through town) at night, keep my car below 2500rpm, and make sure it's warmed up before I drive it for now on. Even if I end up installing a resonator.
Btw... Lance... the cops are really pissy about seat belts in California, when I was stationed out there, a cop actually got on there loud speaker and told me and the other people in the rental car we where driving to put our seat belts on when we where already wearing them. We grabbed ahold of them to show then we had them on, and the cop speed of all pissed off. The only good thing I can say about the cop that wrote me the exaust ticket is that he didn't give me a seat belt ticket too. I wasn't wearing mine when I got pulled over and he just told me to put it on for the rest of the drive home (2 blocks). Except for that... he was a real dick though.
Well, the exaust is a bit quiter now thanks to a 23inch cherry bomb between the cat and muffler, for those of you showing up at the meet, let me know what you think of how it sounds when we get up there.
i think i still got you beat on loudness tho lol..
I woulda got a res anyway, Im sure your exhaust had to have sounded like a**. I used to have the same setup: pacesetter header,magnaflow cat,and pacesetter catback and it was the most raspy pos ever; I hated driving it like that.
Ya... now that I have the res on.. the car sounds the way I wanted it too when I installed the exaust in the first place. I just got used to the way it sounded over time, so it didn't seem that loud to me anymore.
And 2.2 cav.... ya you car is probably louder than mine now... my car isn't anywhere near as loud as it was.
My car is quieter at full throttle now.. than it was at 1/4 throttle before.
i got 2 3/4 straight back with a apexi n1 ask lance how loud it is right bud lol
Alright, this is my area of expertise. Being a law enforcement major, and recently going for a ride along (with many more to come) i officially know how the OPD (Owatonna Police Department) works. The biggest deciding factor or tickets on stereos and exhaust depends on how busy the night is. Also, it depends on how new the officer is. I went for a ride along last night (9/21) and the newest guy on the squad had to get his stops up (not tickets or citations but stops only) so he had the choice to pull anyone over that had anything illegal done to it (which he has the right to do being a law enforcement officer). For a sort period of time we parked in an alley dowtown (a thing in owatonna where people cruise the "main") waiting for a car with loud exhaust or stereo to drive by. i asked him what he takes as "loud" and he responded with "when the exhaust blends or over powers the noise coming from the motor." Which, that is what the statue stats. (by the way weeble there is a minnesota statue database that everyone has access to so you can look up the laws about anything in MN, just google it) The cops in owatonna "profile" "rice burners," but only if you stand out. Whether that is by exhaust or stereo or whatever. And if it seems getting pulled over in owatonna is getting more frequent, it is because LaDue is really getting strict on exhaust, stereos, tint etc. They do not have to give you a decibel test for your exhaust, that is now obsolete. one of the major guildlines in owatonna is 3 car lengths for stereo and 5 car lengths for exhaust. i have also heard off and on about MN legislature passing a law making it legal for law enforcement officers to pull you over for no reason, however, i do not believe this. They have to at least give an excuse as to why they pulled you over, whether it's "b.s." or not. Just don't hammer on your stuff, do not play your music "tooooo loud" and you should not have a problem. but yes, i do agree, driving around town at night makes you a sitting duck.
^^ Dang man where have you been... I havnt seen you or your car around lately?
My car is so quiet now that if I get pulled over for it, I'm taking it to court.... there's litterally no reason at all I should get pulled over now.
btw, I did look up the laws, and it says says that your exaust should be quiet enough the blend into OVERALL vehical noise, and cant make any poping or crackling sounds that would disturb or annoy a person of reasonalbe sensibility. (I'm paraphrasing of course). I can hear my intake over my exaust pretty well now, and the exaust note is smooth deep and melow now. Plus it's quit enough that If I puched it at full throttle in normal daytime traffic, you wouldn't notice it much from a block away from inside a car, and during normal driving you wouldn't hear it at all unless you where right behind be, and even then it wouldn't really grab your attention (normal driving).... so I should be good now.
lol..i at college bro. over in kato here. your car does sound A LOT quieter. maybe that's a good thing though because you won't get any crap for it. i am in and out of town periodically but i am not in town for more than a couple hours unless i stay the night. i will be back in town friday i think so look for my car at cash wise..lol..i would like to hear your car! it sounds like something i would really like!!!
Sure thing man... if you still have my number give me a call or something when your back and I'll stop by... I think I still have yours from the time you sold me that strut bar.
that sucks man, hey by the way weebel i saw you the other day and your car isn't as loud as mine was when i had dual straights on it, i got pulled three times and got warnings each time
^^^ ha ha... so what are you driving now anyway? I remember hearing your blue car back when you had it.. I WAS louder than that, but I'm quiter than your old car now.
Chances are... when you saw me I was getting on the car

For some reason I only get pulled over when I'm not doing anything wrong. When I am screwing around... there's not a cop in sight. (Knocks on wood). Thats probably a good thing though.
Hey drew... I know there's no way for you to check this if your working right now, but I'm heading out in a few and will make a point to look for your car... If I can't find ya, at least you'll know I tried.
I'm driving my dodge ram now its all i got left, but it's for sale also. i might get another one i'm sick of paying for gas in that truck
sorry i missed you, weebel. i think i might be back in town more often though. i need money pretty badly because i want to keep up with my car and money is getting pretty tight just with paying the bills so i will be back in town working more. hopefully you do not get hassled anymore because of your exhaust now!
that sucks about the cops man... i guess i've been lucky so far. i have my 2.4 sunfire straight piped. did a db reading at the tail pipe.... hit 166.9 db not under load and with the 4000rpm limiter on, legal where i live is 93 db