dude whats going on why are you selling everything.
i think im out of the game dude
no money. dont really see a point in it anymore
Its a very expensive hobby man.
yeah which is why i think im parting everything out except what i really need
and u need a b&m shift plus its a necessity for an automatic... u dont need rims, tint, or to leave ur damn chairs at the meet for me to have them sittin in my trunk jerk
whacha gunna do with all that junk, all that junk inside your trunk?
u no u love my lady lumps...

ya i think that was really gay
Auto or manual shifter? If manual I'll come over and get it.
its for an auto, its an electronic shift improver
Brophy, drive to Rogers, and I'll buy it.
ya and when u do bring me my turn sigs and ill give u ur seats
you can sell me ur black corners w/out reflector
One of mine literally fell out on the way home from HIN, must not have been clicked in all the way and I took eyelid off for the show so it didn't have anything holding it in
just gotta order new ones i guess