im gauging intrest on a jbo meet in the civic center in buffalo mn. i talked to one of the guys that runs the place yesterday and he said we could rent it out for 2 days for $300 after hockey is over. this would take place in mid january and it could fit easily 25+ cars. if we got about 15 people it would cost about $20 each. just seeing how many people would be interested in this type of meet.
I'm in but it would have to be a friday or sat. Let me know.
I might be in depending on if we get enough people to come and if it's on one of my days off.... althoug driving that far with my snow tires on might suck...
have fun getting enough people to do that in the middle of winter. some put their cars away. i'd say just get together at a bowling alley or something.
What you know about Street Racing anyways? Only what Fast & Furious taught us....
Once cabin feaver kicks in a little later on when there is 3 feet of snow on the ground..... the people here that drive their cars all year long might be more likely to do something like that...... I't would be interesting to see everyone in winter trim with their steelies and all seasons though..... god I hate winter.
I'm up for it. Depending on how many people KNOW they are coming. I don't want to have 25 people say that they are coming, don't show up, and we get screwed forking up 35-40 bucks to rent out the place. I would rather do something else like what bolt said.
ya im not down with shelling out the money esp. when i damn well know 25 are not showing up, we cant even get that for a summer meet. so its gonna more look like 50-75 per person and ya, not gonna happen sorry broph. i like the bowling idea, i love bowling, i no josh 03supercharged does too so that wouldnt be a prob at all
sorry doesn't see day light in winter
My car is going in storage in the next week so It wouldnt be able go, I would be down for bowling though
damn you guys are boring with your storage lol.
I'd be up for it, but your on the wrong side of the country.
I'm usually always up for a meet.... but Gary does have a point.
Maybee in February or so... some of us can have a meet that involves my car, a new tranny, a heated garage, wheel ramps, and a bunch of tools
I'm up for that weebel I think we can do it at my house I have a 800 sqf garage, but it would have to be in March. Hopefully it will be done by then curenttly working on insulating it and getting a heater. Let me know what you guys wanna do.
can always come to my house weebel. i got a heated garage wheel ramps and i have an assload of tools. i would just need to know which ones to bring home cause they are all at school.
I'm planning on using my tax return to fund a new tranny... thats why I was thinking around February.... ther's always my parents garage I guess too... It should be interesting since I'm planning on replacing it with a NVG so I might have to do it locally since it might take more than one day to do.....
Maybee somday we could have a "Lets put all the parts Weebel as laying around for his car in" meet.... ha ha.... I've had my cams and mani for awhile and still havn't put them in.... I really need to get off my ass and just do it

I'm just paranoid tearing my car apart that far.. ( to get the cams in)
I wonder how long it takes to do a secret cam swap if you've never done it before?
Either way... if you all wan't to meet up this winter for whatever the reason... just let the word out and I'll make it if possible (even if it's just bowling and drinking beer)
hell ya lets do the, "get parts in and on weebels car meet /boom boom bowlarama /HO cams in garys motor with the p&p head"

and secret cam swap = cakesauce if u have ratcheting box end wrenches for those pesky timing chain bolts... well not cake but u no its much easier. im sure we could wack out everything in one night, cams, manifold, tranny, as long as im warm and got a full stomach of that food we better be grillin..
^^ ha ha .... ya I almost have to do the tranny (assuming I can get one) down here incase I run into problems.... it would be nice to have someone around thats done it before (I'm still wondering about the carrier bering on the pass side axle) though... but it's only a tranny so I should be OK.
I still havn't gotton an adapter for the manifold...
But if you ever want me to stop by with my cams some time and get the work your talking about done to our cars.. just let me know... if you have a BBQ... I'll bring some steaks.
Hey i can help with the install to just let me know.
dude i wish, but i dont even have a garage, i have nothing and no where to work on my car thats why all my progress is soooo slow. it sucks

if i had my own garage ud see some wild stuff coming from me, but i dont so
^^^ thats kinda the same problem I have... I live in an aprtment right now and don't have my own garage.... and even if I did.... I don't have a spare car right now...
Having a second vehicle and a heated garage would be really nice..
Gotten a litle off topic but it sounds like winter meets prob wont happen anyway unless its like 3 people.. and most of us that drive our cars all year long don't have the money to own a house.. so we don't have a real place to meet up
Well when Almir (Rollie) gets his garage done, we could meet down there. I don't have a problem either with just meeting up one night and go do something. I don't have any parts to put on my car because college is taking all of my damn money.
Hopefully I'll have it done by then, I was going to pick up some cams for my ride. If i do maybe after we get done with weebels car we can swap cams into mine. But I'll keep u guys updated to whats going on, one third of the garage is insulated as of right now.
^^^^^ A cam swap meet..... sounds interesting
If you find a set of cams for your car and get your garage finished and feel like doing something like that just let me know man (pm me or whatever) Rochester isn't that far of a drive from Owatonna.
What the hell. Almir find me cams for cheap and I'll put them in mine too. I mean REAL cheap. Cause I have no money.
i have a few sets folks... just need a caliper to mic them out to figure out which are secret ones and which are stock 2.4s i have 5 cams laying in my garage, 2 sets should be secret cams