Where to port and polish my head in WI - North Central Region Forum
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I am looking for a place to port my head in WI dose any one know were i can get this done????
whats there no one that know were i can get this done???
Pro Machine in Woodville. I have done port work on four heads myself and have had really good luck with the turn-out. What engine is the head off of?
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its off a 2.2 non-eco tec do you have the number for the woodville place? cause i need I get it done.
how much did that cost mythod?
We're pretty reasonable in price. Local number is 715-698-2666 or 1-800-223-3807. Roughly about $250! includes a clean, pressure test, valve job, new stem seals, plus the port and polish work. It's easy to do. If you call, ask for Gary or Chris (I'm Chris). Thanks you guys and I hope to hear from you!
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Is it the same price for an Eco head too? I might be interested in getting some work done
the Ecotec head may be a little more, just because it's 4 valves per cylinder. But the port work is just as easy on the Ecotec as it is on the OHV! Shoot us a call anytime. We're open 8-5 Monday through Friday and 9-12 on Saturday.
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hmmm you just might have some of my business as well
its not a complete head, its missing some stuff, but i hope that doesnt matter.
where is woodsville btw? winter break is coming up so i might have a little more time on my hands

12.33 @ 111.67 mph [Oct 2009]
Dyno'd on 08/02/09 - Mustang Dyno:
327.6 WHP 333.6 WTQ [10.1 AFR]
Mythod, what about for a 2.4 head
do you flow bench these iam intrested if you do?
Ok, one question at a time.
evilmonkitar-Bring whatever you want on the head, and we can remove whatever we need to do the work, just make sure we've got a couple of good valves to work with. Woodville is off of Exit 24 on I-94. Just follow CTY HYW B to Woodville, through the outskirts and into downtown. We're right in the heart, behid Olson's Woodville Meats.
SinistarZ- Yes, we can also do 2.4 heads as well. Price will probably be the same as the rest. I
03Supercharged- I talked to my boss, and he told me today that the headwork would be $250, including the port work! Providing the only the head has on it is the valves and springs.
N/A MADNESS- My co-worker, Chuck, is in the process of finding and purchasing a flow bench. But as for the moment, we do not have an accurate way to check them at the moment.
If you guys want the heads flow-tested, I can do some calling around and find someone who would do it for us, then we'll get down to business. And return the heads to the flow bench after the work has been done.
If you're also looking for 1MM valves, we can get the Ferrea valves for the Ecotec. I know there are companies that make O/S valves for the LN2 and the LD9, but it's be cheaper for you guys to get them yourselves. The extra seat work will cost extra, depending on how long it takes.
Thank you guys for your responses, and I'm glad to be of service to you!
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If you can work something out with having flow benched Ill do if forsure just let me know I would also have to send the head since Iam from northwest Iowa.
Do you guys do any port work in the combustion chambers?
hmmmm....would you be able to overbore and machine the 2.4 block for the 2.3 oil pump also? Do any balancing?

USACi =>146.9db
14.88 @ 90.73MPH =>GM Charger, Motor Mounts, Catback exhaust
Balancing, yes, that's no problem! As far as overbore, do we bore the block for oversize pistons? If that's what you're asking, yes, we're fully equipped for that. As for the oil pump machining, bring a pump with you and we'll take a look at it. It may just require drilling the in and out lines on the block for the pump bigger, which we could handle.
N/A Madness- I did some asking around, and if you want your head flow-tested, the guy that has the flowbench will have to do the work, and he quoted me $100 an hour.
Just so I'm being honest with you guys, the port work I have done was not flow-tested. How I go about it is: Match the opening for the gasket on both Intake and Exhaust. But I go completely through the port and smooth out the exhaust and rough up the intake. On DOHC heads, I reshape the casting that divides the ports to a sharp point for improved flow. And to answer your other question N/A Madness, Yes. I make the combustion chambers as smooth as a baby's butt, which does help keep fuel from puddling under the spark plug, but does NOT completely remove that problem. You could make it as smooth as possible, and it will not take away that problem.
If any of you have any doubts, that's fine. But I can assure you I've had good luck with the port work I've done. I did a pair of heads and an intake manifold for an Acura 3.2L , and the intake manifold was soo smooth and wide open, that it brought new life to the engine. Plus I've done 2 OHV heads myself and have gotten positive feedback. I did my own ecotec head over the summer, and it turned out awsome. If you want to, some of you come up when you can and I'll give you a tour of our shop and show you the outcome of my port work!
For anyone else that's wondering, we are a full service engine rebuilding shop. We do it all. Rods, heads, cranks, blocks, assembly, balancing, blue-printing, magging, pressure testing, we do it all!
Thank you guys for your inquiries, and I hope Pro Machine can be of service to all of you!
Project Resurrection is in full swing!
sweet dude.....you work on sat? It might be out...

USACi =>146.9db
14.88 @ 90.73MPH =>GM Charger, Motor Mounts, Catback exhaust
I won't be there this Saturday. I have to work my part time job. But my boss/father will be there to take down all your info, and I'll be the one doing all the work. The next available day I will be there is Monday. If you can make it then, awsome, but if not, I'll try to be there the following Saturday if that works for you.
Project Resurrection is in full swing!
whats the address of the place?

12.33 @ 111.67 mph [Oct 2009]
Dyno'd on 08/02/09 - Mustang Dyno:
327.6 WHP 333.6 WTQ [10.1 AFR]
135 Stene Drive. Woodville, WI 54028
directions: if coming from Eau Claire, just follow I-94 to Exit 24 (Woodville, Spring Vally, CTY B), get off at the exit and take a right. You'll go about 1 mile through some bends as you get closer to downtown. When you see the fire station on your left, Stop-A-Sec will be on the next block. Take that first left, Stene Drive, then take and immediate right and drive to our front door. We have a sign up above our bay door.
If coming from St. Paul, all the same directions apply except take a left when you get off the freeway.
Project Resurrection is in full swing!
extreem speed and cylender head
331 e drexal ave
oak creek wi
one of the best in the bussiness , many of you have seen my built head and know what i mean . here is a list of what he has done for me ....
3 angle valve job
gasket matched
machined out the humps in the intake side of the head
milled assembled all the aftermarket internals
blasted and painted
p&p my lower intake manifold
sand blasted my rims and misc. engine parts
just so you know, we do a three angle valve job on everything we do, it's not high performance anymore, just good practice to promote better seat and valve cooling...plus everything wears evenly that way too. but yea Nick, I understand, I wouldn't expect anyone from the Milwaukee area to drive this far. Guys only as far as Tomah and from the Twin Cities come to us! But we'll except the work regardless, no job too big or small for us to handle.
Project Resurrection is in full swing!
astral sword what was the price for all of that
mythod, i will drive that far if the $250 is the price for an eco head getting port and polished with the valve job, etc
good question, what are his prices like nick?

12.33 @ 111.67 mph [Oct 2009]
Dyno'd on 08/02/09 - Mustang Dyno:
327.6 WHP 333.6 WTQ [10.1 AFR]
everything together with the cost of the head ( i bought the head from him as well ) was around $1600 that was the total with the extra work i had him to to a few other things , as for the machine work just to the head wasl under $400 i cant remember the price off hand , give him a call mon-fri. 8am to 4pm
Yea, evilmonkitar, that's on an LD9, LN2, and L61 head. Price is the same for all three heads. Like I said before, that includes a clean, pressure test, port and polish, valve job, and surface on the LD9 and LN2, I've never had to surface either of the three ecotec heads I've done, and I do all the aluminum p&p work myself!
Project Resurrection is in full swing!
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