I know this is way off topic but you guys are really the only ones here that know me personally....
My girlfriend decided to die my hair tonight.... it was supposed to be really dark with maybe a slight shade of purple.... and it turned out completely different...
It's fuschia..... but it might be hot pink in a month or two.... and I'm afraid to see what it looks like in the sunlight....
here's the pics
steven c. wrote:Weebel wrote: 
HAHA That's freaking awesome... not to sound like an @!#$, but you look like sh*t with a pinkish hair!
Matches your IDI cover at least!
I'm back from the dead.
Currently Driving: RSX Type-S.
My Cavalier Burnt up :-(
Wil wrote:Matches your IDI cover at least!
and his shirt. Looks odd man ..... I don't think she let it sit as long as she should have. Maybe that is a reason why it turned out hot pink.
lol.. only one thing to do now...
shave your head!
i hope im not double posting, the wireless here keeps dipping out...

12.33 @ 111.67 mph [Oct 2009]
Dyno'd on 08/02/09 - Mustang Dyno:
327.6 WHP 333.6 WTQ [10.1 AFR]
Actually.... it doesn't match my IDI cover... it's red and silver..... and not on the car right now.... I have a junkyard one on thier
It doesn't match the shirt either... the camera just makes it look that way.... I need a new camera....
We wher'nt drunk or anything..... we where just trying to stay awake because we had to work the next night... and my GF and one of her firends decided to dye thier hair..... than my GF got the idea to dye mine.... I fiqured what the hell and let her do it..... and for some strange reason it turned out the way it did......
I'm afraid to re dye it... and its way to cold outside right now too buzz it off..... so I'm just gunna leave it for now... besides.... it's funny wathcing people freak out when they walk by me......
I just thought it was funny as hell and couldn't resist showing you guys.... at least I'm less likely to get hit by a forklift at work when I'm in the building...
looks like what my hair did back in high school when i was cutting my red dreads off. you don't have to shave your head, a good hair salon will take care of it in no time. to get me back to blonde after the dreads they had to dye my hair like 3 different colors before blonde.
What you know about Street Racing anyways? Only what Fast & Furious taught us....