CARB Emission laws are being pushed in Minnesota. - North Central Region Forum

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CARB Emission laws are being pushed in Minnesota.
Thursday, May 15, 2008 7:18 AM
2 bills are being pushed through the house of reps and senate in MN as I type this.... If passed... they would limit the sale of certain vehicles and would adopt California's vehicle emission standards (CARB) which means we would have to have emission stickers on our cars just like people in California do, and we all know that most our cars will not pass these emission tests...

The bills are...



We need to lobby against these bills. You can find a list of MN legislators that are pro auto hobby and their contact information in the following link.

I have also contacted and have made them aware of these bills.

Re: CARB Emission laws are being pushed in Minnesota.
Thursday, May 15, 2008 7:56 AM
fail. i hate cali

2001 Olds Alero (LD9)
650 whp / 543 ft-lb
Re: CARB Emission laws are being pushed in Minnesota.
Thursday, May 15, 2008 8:13 AM
I hate Cali too..... but we need to at least contact our legislation and try to keep these bills from passing In Minnesota.... especially SF481 since thats the bill that will enact CARB regulations in MN.

Re: CARB Emission laws are being pushed in Minnesota.
Thursday, May 15, 2008 8:40 AM
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! GAY! Why does everyone want to be like California....

Re: CARB Emission laws are being pushed in Minnesota.
Thursday, May 15, 2008 12:13 PM
^^^^ Because people are stupid LOL

I E-mailed every MN representative that semasan had on thier list asking them about it and where they stood on it. I also asked them what if anything I or we can do... I would urge all you you to do the same asking them to vote against the bill, and that you let everyone you know that would be aginst this aware of it.... It might not do much... but we need to be heard.... I'm going to ralley against this if I have to.

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