who's dave and allison
Hamburger Helper..One Pound, One Pan, One Disfunctional Family!
[quote=BoltZ DesignZ�]Dave aka Wolfeman?
yup, that Dave.
hella good time, glad i could make it.
Dave got married.... ? about damn time LOL
best of luck man.....
did he ever get the cav back??
Alright Big D! Next time we hang out, if we do as a j-body group. I'll buy you a beer at shooters
Thanks to everyone and hopefully everyone had a good time!! Not a big wedding justa quick ceremony and lets party.
But Allison and I would like to thank everyone who made it out!
See ya guys around and no the Cavvy is gone forever, yeah long story but @!#$ will work for me again to have another Cav one day..
later, Dave