Garage clean up time. I need to get everything out of here
first up
Mitsu turbo 20g. $150 comes with flanges, turbo is used and sold as is. recently re-built but has been sitting.

Honda OBD2a-OBD1 conversion harness brand new $65

16" Slim fan brand new never used. $50

Kenwood MP232 cd, mp3, satellite ready used 3 months $65

Evo Edge Racing o2 sensor housing used $40.

Evo 16g exhaust housing, compressor housing and compresser wheel $50

BBK 5.0 Intake tubing $45

Ecotec 2.2 bare block $50

Ecotec 2.2 bare head (includes valves/springs) $50

Ecotec oil pan $35

2.2 valve cover $50

LN2 cavalier 2.2 OHV oil pan $35

Audio equipment shown below $100 takes it all but the sub and some of the wiring.

(2) cavalier ln2 thottle bodies $25 a piece

LN2 coil packs $25

LN2 topfeed (98) fuel rail $25

2.2 coil packs $35
Prices does not include shipping or paypal fees
paypal verified and prefered. PM me or reply for shipping quotes
everything is pretty firm on prices but, through out offers
Shipping Qoute on the head to 43567. Maybe some more pics and details.
Do you have all the paperwork, hardware, etc for the Kenwood head unit? I was looking to pick up a head unit for my truck here shortly... but obviously I'd like to keep the spending down...
PHONE 763-682-9945
I had all the paper work for but i'll have to find it. I don't believe it came with any hardware? the wiring kit is for a jbody. I'll see what I have for it laying around..
The head is obviously used. no cams in it, kind of dirty from sitting, needs a good cleaning. perfect for port and polishing.. I'll get a shipping quote later tonight, i'm pretty sure that last head i shipped was around $65 to ship
I'm located in Blaine MN 55449
better pic of the intake tube?
Mike wrote:The auto to manual swap is not as involved as you would think.
Get all the parts you need in a pile, and drive the car into it.
They will find their way into the correct places.
RyZ96 wrote:audio equipment is gone
As in the head unit too??? Or is that still around?
I'm interested, but have to get some cash scrounged up. #1 SOURCE FOR VHT NITE SHADES BACK ONLINE SOMETIME SOON!
PHONE 763-682-9945
no the head unit is still here.. I just meant the audio equipment that was pictured as a whole
I can't seem to find the owners manual. I know I have it somewhere but do not remember where
the kenwood manual is available for download on the kenwood site
Well i had a brake caliper blow out on me,
I'd like to get the big brakes from the cobalt ss/tc, but i need money quickly.. Send me Best offers on this stuff. I need money fast
does the oil pan have the bosses for the lower engine mount bracket???
Project Resurrection is in full swing!
that one does not.. actually I just gave Josh my last oil pan that has the bosses..
I think the engine that I got from josh this last week might have one on it also, but I have no way getting it off the engine for the time being