as the title says, im looking to sell some things in order to fund a new project
1. OEM rear tie bar, powder coated black
2. Magnaflow cat-back
3. Magnaflow high flow cat
4. Eclipse CD8445 - CD/MP3/WMA Receiver
link to description
5. 95-99 black corners
everything is used. im probably forgetting some things i want to sell, will update. im located on the border of MI and WI. shipping to anywhere at buyers expense
pictures, prices, and more info along the the meantime reply and/or pm me
How much for the high flow cat, and catback?
im an idiot its a rear strut bar im selling not a tie bar...i must have been half asleep
pictures and more info of everything when i get out of work
pics and how much 4 the oem bar?
WiGM-Tuners member.
make me an offer on the bar, ill get some pictures in a bit, IIRC i think i paid around 100.00
Pics of the black corners?
"Straight roads are for fast cars, turns are for fast drivers"-Colin McRae
bar coated is 93 shipped! has urs been installed?
WiGM-Tuners member.
how much for the corner lights??
exhaust: make an offer
cd player: $250.00
corners: $25.00
rstb: $80.00
rstb sold, awaiting payment. make me an offer on anything else...
Hey I noticed that you picked up a new cav....What are the plans for the black Z??
ill buy the corners for 15
adam: im not too sure yet. right now its my daily till i get my 00' in better driving condition. ive been thinking of either straight up selling it or keeping it as some sort of parts car. i was also considering parting it out, but i dont know if i have the time or if i really want to get into it. but either way i wouldnt mind getting rid of it to fund this new project....
blucavi: ill think about it...
Well the only reason I ask is because I need a new front bumper and spoiler for my car which is also black, so whatever you do let me know and good luck with the new project...get some pics up!
1. Magnaflow cat-back
2. Magnaflow high flow cat...........................................make an offer
3. Eclipse CD8445 - CD/MP3/WMA Receiver...........$225
5. 95-99 black corners..................................................$20
better pictures of the corners:
i can get better pictures of anything else if someone is interested. everything is OBO and not including shipping, post-email-pm-msn me.

bulbs opened but never used, i bought them but ended up not needing them..$10
are the bulbs the high beams or low?
highs. i bought them cuz i thought i had a burnt out bulb but it turned out to be the typical wiring problem..
what size is the cat-back?
how much would you want for the exhaust?? i live in black River Falls....this os for a z24 right? i have a 99 let me know on a price and me to let me know