I'm headed down to a pick and pull in Appleton tomorrow. If they don't have what I want, anyone know of any big pick and pulls in Appleton or Milwaukee area? Also, if anyone needs any parts, let me know!

2010 Subaru Impreza WRX Limited
1999 Cavalier Z24 Supercharged
1999 Grand AM SE (Beater Car)
1997 GMC Sierra
2007 Honda CBR 600RR
2005 Honda TRX450R
Here's a couple in the Milwaukee Area:
Al's Auto Sales & Salvage Butler
5290 N 124th St
Milwaukee, WI 53225-2902
Als Auto Salvage
10942 S 124th St
Franklin, WI 53132
What you know about Street Racing anyways? Only what Fast & Furious taught us....
These are actual pick and pulls where you can walk into the yard? Are they pretty big? Lot's of domestic stuff?

2010 Subaru Impreza WRX Limited
1999 Cavalier Z24 Supercharged
1999 Grand AM SE (Beater Car)
1997 GMC Sierra
2007 Honda CBR 600RR
2005 Honda TRX450R
^hell yes! Al's in Franklin is awesome! u walk in and do w/e u want!
WiGM-Tuners member.
Awesome, exactly what I'm looking for! Thanks :-)

2010 Subaru Impreza WRX Limited
1999 Cavalier Z24 Supercharged
1999 Grand AM SE (Beater Car)
1997 GMC Sierra
2007 Honda CBR 600RR
2005 Honda TRX450R
there's gibson's in neenah, but they didnt have much for cavaliers the last time i was there
Gibson's is actually the one I went to today. I was there once before. They had quite a few cavaliers there. Most were smashed pretty bad though. I did manage to get a hood, fender, and headlight though. They sell stuff so cheap there, it's ridiculous. Definitely my favorite place to go.

2010 Subaru Impreza WRX Limited
1999 Cavalier Z24 Supercharged
1999 Grand AM SE (Beater Car)
1997 GMC Sierra
2007 Honda CBR 600RR
2005 Honda TRX450R
yeah i second that. i guess what i was trying to say is the last time they didnt have much "z24/ls sport" stuff..
it was all just basic base cavaliers..
Yeah, tey didn't have much of that either. I think I saw 4 Z24's and no LS Sports at all. That was fine by me, the parts I needed didn't matter. I think I'm going to make a trip to Milwaukee though next time and see what can be had there.

2010 Subaru Impreza WRX Limited
1999 Cavalier Z24 Supercharged
1999 Grand AM SE (Beater Car)
1997 GMC Sierra
2007 Honda CBR 600RR
2005 Honda TRX450R
when you going to milwaukee ? you going through my area? i could tag along for the ride
get back to me.
He already went.
Luke how far is gibsons from you?
Jake - I probably won't go again for another month or two. If I do, I'll let you know. I always head through the Wausau area when I go down, so I could pick you up. It's been a while!
SinisterZ - Gibsons is a bit over 2 1/2 hours from my parents house. 3 1/2 from my apartment in Eau Claire.

2010 Subaru Impreza WRX Limited
1999 Cavalier Z24 Supercharged
1999 Grand AM SE (Beater Car)
1997 GMC Sierra
2007 Honda CBR 600RR
2005 Honda TRX450R
ahh, thats not to bad then. for some reason i thought you were further..
come pick up my 2000 then! ill cut ya a deal!!!!
Gibsons is great especially if you have a second gen or a Beretta. There's also Wally's on highway 21 in oshkosh.
1990 Pontiac Sunbird //
1995 Beretta Base
^^That's good to know. I've only been to Gibson's. I'll have to check out Wally's.

2010 Subaru Impreza WRX Limited
1999 Cavalier Z24 Supercharged
1999 Grand AM SE (Beater Car)
1997 GMC Sierra
2007 Honda CBR 600RR
2005 Honda TRX450R
What are you looking for Luke?
'02 Z-24 Supercharged
13.7 @102.45 MPH Third Place, 2007 GMSC Bash SOLD AS OF 01MAR08
Well I got pretty much everything I needed so far. But I do need a fuel pressure regulator for the Cav.

2010 Subaru Impreza WRX Limited
1999 Cavalier Z24 Supercharged
1999 Grand AM SE (Beater Car)
1997 GMC Sierra
2007 Honda CBR 600RR
2005 Honda TRX450R