i want to see who would be nice and donate to my budget build, i think im going to end up spending most of my money on a new engine (swapping to a 2.4 because i heard there were alot of parts for a 2.4, plus it rebuild easy, or so i hear. but yes, with xmas comming up.....its gunna b hard....specially with my now 1 month old baby......help me build him something nice to ride in. remebr im not begging.......im asking if somone would be nice....theres a difference
I actually find more perts for the 2.2... plus I hear they hand boost quite nicely...
prime example on both counts...HAHN makes a turbo kit for the 2.2 but not the 2.4...
I'd keep the money if you are that hard up for cash to ask to be honest. Plus you have a son to take care of and if you boost the car or do anything you will break parts and then they will need repaired.
Just my 2 cents.
okay, i was just seeing who would actually be nice enough to donate, and if they actually would, i wasnt going to exactlly ask for part..........even tho the last part seemed like it
no one is going to give you freebies.
alot of people on here are broke too.
get your fuking priorities straight.. you are 18, got a kid, and probably unemployed.
worry about your kid before you try to bum parts for your fucing cavalier.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Tuesday, December 01, 2009 7:48 AM
i was just seeing who would be nice, i would pay for them, i have a little bit of money for the part, most of my money goes to my kid, plus i wanted to see who would rage, and who would offer helpful advise
It's got nothing to do with who is going to be nice and who is going to "rage".
Simple point, get your priorities straight. A modded car is fairly unreliable. Especially if you are trying to use it as a DD.
Buy some clothes for your kid instead of wasting it on an econobox.
I have a 2001 2.4 that needs a rebuild, (with out cams, but got them too) with an atached F23.
Come get it, its yours
'02 Z-24 Supercharged
13.7 @102.45 MPH Third Place, 2007 GMSC Bash SOLD AS OF 01MAR08
I have a 2000 2.4 with manual trans (181k) you could have, but I need the Eco out of my other car swapped in first. If you can get it swapped out you can have the motor/trans.
Where you guys from, anyway, im from northern minnesota, so thats why i was jokin around, but if youre serious i could try to make a trip
send a letter to obama. he's in to helping people who don't deserve help.

87 Firebird
All stock...........lol.
randizzle wrote:send a letter to obama. he's in to helping people who don't deserve help.

2010 Subaru Impreza WRX Limited
1999 Cavalier Z24 Supercharged
1999 Grand AM SE (Beater Car)
1997 GMC Sierra
2007 Honda CBR 600RR
2005 Honda TRX450R
randizzle wrote:send a letter to obama. he's in to helping people who don't deserve help.
Haha I love it
Hope is not a plan. Change is not a destination.
randizzle wrote:send a letter to obama. he's in to helping people who don't deserve help.
I almost fell out of my chair laughing, but yeah that's the truth lol.
hey guys think of it this way, imagine it this was your kid asking something for xmas, you wouldnt call him/her a begger or tell him/her to send a letter to obama would you? like i said, i meant it as a joke, unless people who were actually nice enough to spare parts they dont need, my kid has clothes, i spend money on him, i also spend money on my cavalier, i balance them, so i can have some time to my self when i need it, its like recycling, no need to get all worked up like this, what other people dont want / need, i will try to buy, or trade, or if the person is nice enough to give, i will take. im a highschool student, that wants something to do while i am looking for a job, its hard to come across one when you are 17, and have not finished highschool, i have thought about what im going to do. i thought wat would happen if i had a kid, i have my priorities straight, if most of you that dont have the money like, some say you dont have, then why are you modding your cavi? im modding mine because i have a reason, not to just have a nice car, but to have a nice car that will run, and maybe if i run into money probs, i could sell, i discussed this with my girlfriend, she agreed that this would be the best way, just incase, sort of a saftey net for a little bit
this is the org...if we could donate parts we wouldn't be driving j's.
Rememeber kids... spell check is your friend
very true, but i supose i shouldve made it more clear in my post, that i was only seeing who would
M3ch wrote:hey guys think of it this way, imagine it this was your kid asking something for xmas, you wouldnt call him/her a begger or tell him/her to send a letter to obama would you? like i said, i meant it as a joke, unless people who were actually nice enough to spare parts they dont need, my kid has clothes, i spend money on him, i also spend money on my cavalier, i balance them, so i can have some time to my self when i need it, its like recycling, no need to get all worked up like this, what other people dont want / need, i will try to buy, or trade, or if the person is nice enough to give, i will take. im a highschool student, that wants something to do while i am looking for a job, its hard to come across one when you are 17, and have not finished highschool, i have thought about what im going to do. i thought wat would happen if i had a kid, i have my priorities straight, if most of you that dont have the money like, some say you dont have, then why are you modding your cavi? im modding mine because i have a reason, not to just have a nice car, but to have a nice car that will run, and maybe if i run into money probs, i could sell, i discussed this with my girlfriend, she agreed that this would be the best way, just incase, sort of a saftey net for a little bit
A) You are not my kid, I won't think of it that way. Even if he was asking me, I would tell him the same thing my dad told me. Get a job.
B) Spending money to get your GED at the least would be a better plan than modding your cav. You cav won't help you look better on an application.
C) Any modded car is a pain in the ass to keep running. It takes alot of time to maintain. How is this going to be reliable with a kid?
D) I never said I don't have money, I work full-time and am paying off my Ducati.
E) J parts don't sell too quick. It's a dead platform, Most of the people are moving on. It will take a long time before you can get rid of all of it.
I can understand the drive to want to mod your car, Just step back and look at the situation. Will it get you ahead in life? No. Will you ever see the money back that you put into it? Probably not. And on the other hand, Will you see the money back that you put into furthering your education? Yes. Will finishing high school get you ahead in life? Yes. Will having a job make it easier to do things for your self, your car and your family? Yes.
Not trying to be a dick, I know I probably came off like that. Just putting perspective on it.
I have lots of parts for sale in Mid-East. Some cheapies, But no freebies unfortunately.
This "guy" Must be realllllly lazy...
M3ch wrote:Where you guys from, anyway, im from northern minnesota, so thats why i was jokin around, but if youre serious i could
try to make a trip
Try looking in the regs of the people?!
Derek, If you have a use for them, there in North Prairie WI. Sunday sound good?
'02 Z-24 Supercharged
13.7 @102.45 MPH Third Place, 2007 GMSC Bash SOLD AS OF 01MAR08
jesus tap dancing christ. How about you use your fuking brain? puting ANY money into a cavalier is not going to gain you any more money in value. If anything it will lose value. And you can take that to the bank, as I know from experience. I have more money in my stupid cav than you will probably make in the next 10 years. Take my advice, save your money.
Secondly, you're 17, with a kid, in school and no job? Keep spending bud. You clearly have your priorities strait. Your girlfriend sounds about as retarded as you do if you both agree puting money into a $hitty cavalier is going to gain you anything.
I'm glad to hear that you, your son and your girlfriend are the next in line to suck my tax dollars out of the system for having no god damn brains.
This country makes me more and more sick to my stomach every passing day .
Taetsch Z-24 wrote:^^
This "guy" Must be realllllly lazy...
How do you figure I am lazy?
lmfao, wow you guys are easy as @!#$ to make rage.....
WTF is joey doing in North Central? LOL did this get linked in AG? ha ha.
To be honest dude..... I knew this would happen the second I read your post (talking about the OP)... every once in awhile someone asks for stuff like that... and pretty much just get all kinds of hell for it while there are a couple of people that figure what the hell and offer to give away some parts they dont need....
Im kinda on the side of the people giving ya crap just for the fact that you have a new baby, and the fact your just asking for stuff in general...
I gave away a strut bar to someone local not to long ago (member here)..... and theres some of us driving around on rims off of others peoples cars we got for nothing and stuff like that..... we used to be a good group of people that hkped each other out... wich I honestly miss... but asking like you are isnt going ot go over well.... now if you asked us if anyone had a spare ICM or something like that we could part with.... that would be different.... just saying...
Dude... you got a new kid, and winter is here now.... I'de just leave the car alone at the moment...
btw I know my typing sucks.... its to late and im to tired to fix it
M3ch wrote:lmfao, wow you guys are easy as @!#$ to make rage.....
lmfao @ you acting as if this post was a joke, when in actuality you're a poor deadbeat.
If it were a joke, you wouldn't have begged for parts in other threads too.
poor fggt
Mike wrote:Taetsch Z-24 wrote:^^
This "guy" Must be realllllly lazy...
How do you figure I am lazy?
I dont, I was responding to you... then quoted how it IS lasy.
'02 Z-24 Supercharged
13.7 @102.45 MPH Third Place, 2007 GMSC Bash SOLD AS OF 01MAR08