If anyone has a 10-15 gallon fish tank they wouldn't mind parting with in trade for some cavalier/ecotec parts....... lemme know. prefer one with a filter but not NEEDED. but it really helps your cause....
the girlfriend wants these stupid @!#$ Neon tetras and the guy at pet expo says they need alot of space to swim and.... do whatever the @!#$ it is fish do. so someone trade me. please.
i have an eco head, trans, and lots of other stuff laying around. if you have a tank, PM me and we can hopefully figure something out
Mike wrote:The auto to manual swap is not as involved as you would think.
Get all the parts you need in a pile, and drive the car into it.
They will find their way into the correct places.
i have a 10 and 33 gal.... dont know if you have anything i need or want though
if u had some performance parts for a z24 i have about 10 fish tanks laying around here but not sure the sizes of them, they have in storage in my garage for a 2 yrs or so...