Where be the best place to buy some decent rims?
honestly if you're not looking for a 3 piece wheel or a well known brand, you can really get them anywhere. Even ebay has pretty nice one piece wheels with tire combos.
discount tire has nice ones and they can put them on.
...its not hard to put them on yourself haha
sure it is hard. I am no tire pro.
those would look better on a truck
i say look for a used set of
racing harts
ETc the list just goes on. cant go wrong with some quality rims.
what would look better on my sunfire gt white. no chrome. probly black or white.
I bought my rims and tires from Fred's Tires in Stillwater off highway 36, good guys great service.

USACi =>146.9db
14.88 @ 90.73MPH =>GM Charger, Motor Mounts, Catback exhaust
You can also go used too. Craigslist has some nice wheels usually.
Tirerack has good choices. Thats where I got mine.
where is there a tirerack?
Where can i do wheel viewing for wheels on my car that you can see the wheels turn what they would look like going down the road? Where a website?
nope wrong you can go to www.performanceplustire.com you can see the tires spin on how they will look on your car as you drive.
no im not wrong.. you can see wheels spin in a video game.
I dont have time to play video games.
never said you had to, you asked where you can see wheels spin so you can see them. I replied with - a video game. just happens to be one of the places you can see wheels spin on a car.
So much fail in here, makes my head hurt.
Why do you care what your wheels look like while spinning? Do you plan on hanging your head out the window and watching them while you drive?
"Hobbies/Interests: Playing pool, Bowling, Cars, Fishing, Sports, Video Games, Playstation 3." No time, eh?
Still not low enough for a signature.
When I made this profile sure i had time am i post to go back what I dont do any more? Sure i am going to be like that guy who got killed while doing car surfing. Why would they make a website to have your car wheels spin on a website.