I think my blower motor is crapped out ... I wasnt going to fix it cuz Im gettin rid of the car in a month or 2 anyways but as you all know with the weather we've been having its quite difficult to drive without defrost it wasnt so bad when it was abit warmer bu now its just toooooooo damn cold .. I didnt shop around too much for a new one but Part Source want 140$ for one and as I said Im gettin rid of the car next month (April at the absolute latest) anyways and it will probably be parted out or scrapped so no point in throwing a brand new motor in there. Can anyone hook me up with one for cheap ? Preferably somewhere near by ?
Have you checked your blower motor resistor to see if that's faulty or not? Could easily be your problem. If not, I have a blower motor in Ajax if you want. $50 OBO.
14.330 @ 96.37mph
well I dont think it would be the resistor. The reason I think that is that the motor had been making some terrible grinding sounds for the last little while before it died ... for awhile it would start and stop on it own and when it was working it would blow very little air .. now it doesnt work at all ... if it was the resistor wouldnt it have just quit out of the blue ? Im not sure.
haha how about a large coffee and a donut ? lol .. where in Ontario you at man ?
alright cool ... you got MSN or somethin cuz I wont be able to head that way for a while