Waht price range are you looking to get?
"Louis, you better watch who you call a child. Because if I'm a child,
that makes you a pedafile, and I'm not gonna stand here and argue
with a pervert" -- Peter Griffin
I am willing to take offers
Stop being sour PakiPower. Just cause you wanted to rip me off..
dont that smack, fx gtz, i never wanted to rip you off, $1000 for a motor that would not even start when i picked it up, and i hade to pick up the car and toe it to a shop and toe it back and pay for it to be taken out, who ripped who off ?? i was stuck i needed a motor i had to , but i would never do buss with you again, you seem to always want to make back more then you paid, just like when i did not realize the shop did not put the clutch bake inoto the car when they were done and you wanted to charge me $500 for a clutch and then you email me yesterday and offer me the clutch and that tranny for $350, dont talk smack, and remeber when you sell your car to tell who ever it was you were in an accident front end,
-Paki.. didn't you dissapear for a long time with his car and not even inform him..... ?
-Paki.. did he not let you take his car and take the motor out, which was damn nice of him...
-Paki.. for the most part I have heard good things about FX....
-Paki please use the English langauge, not this contraction of lower case letters, run on senetences and minimal, non existent spacing...
My Cav
I give up...
i'm buying a VW those people love trees, so they should love eachother too... "Andy"
Thanks Man!!
Ya.. He isn't explaining anything about the tranny.. So let me make it clear lol.. Buddy brings my car back without the clutch, flywheel and pressure plate.. So I call him and ask him to get it etc.. So he tells me well I don't know where it is, I dont have it.. In which case I turned around and said.. Well you either need to find my stuff or give me $500 for the stuff you lost and you can have the tranny portion...So he said alright I will buy the stuff if I can't find it.. End of story right.. Well then he doesn't call me again or even attempt to meet up with me to give my stuff back he found.. So I said well why don't you just take the tranny and stuff for $350.. Giving him a better price.. I didn't know that was a crime lol.. Cause he goes.. First you offer me $500 then you say $350 .. He got all messed. .Like lasttime I check.. People get happeir when u lower the prices.
Also.. Paki.. Don't be talking crap. It was your choice to take the car and have the motor pulled cause you need it.. Not me.. I wasn't the one in need of a motor.. And if I was. Then it would be my choice how its going to come out etc.. I am not going to turn around then bitch about me having to get it taken out.. When it was my choice to in the first place..
Also it wasn't in a front end accident but whatever.. The car isn't even here anymore, as it's probably already been crushed.. So I guess I should tell whoever wants it.. That the car was crush in a compactor.. For scrap...
Also I wouldn't do business with you again.. I think Mr Short Hand points out very good how I was treated and how I treated you.. Like I have said.. Most people will not even allow someone to give them $500 then take there motor and car and then give the other money late.. But right.. I guess I was being selfish when I did that.. I am sorry I didn't let you take the car without giving me any money. Oh ya and I must be a feel ass cause I gave you more time then was we agreed on to call me back with the results and paying the rest of the money as well.. Right.. What was I thinking.. Being so genrous and stuff with you.. Then having you turn around and hate on me.. Damn...
Also people let it be known.. This guy has no respect for anybody's property what so ever.. I noticed the other day that my car had been backed into something or sideswiped from him... The car had just had over $1500 in bodywork.. It was in excellent shape to be painted. .Well I notice there is a hole in the passenger side trunk/side pannel and there is dents and scrap marks on the side.. So this guy is pathedic... But again the car is in car heaven, so it's not a big deal. It's just the lack of respect behind it..
i am going to leave this alone now cause if we continue this it is just going to get worse, i dont have the time to deal with this @!#$ so whatever !
i am going to drop if you dont and you want to continue then go ahead think what ever you want but after this i would hope no to hear of this @!#$ again but if you want to say something to me call me you have my number !!
sorry to everyone else who had to put up with the end of this thread
hehe i dont mind readin this stuff .... this way we get to know who and not to deal with !!
FX .... that tranny ur talkin about .. what car did it come out of and if so u still go it buy any chance if its for a z24(5spd)
and yah i'll still give ya 250 for the sub heheh