hey guys got a question for you. i'll be visiting the falls and want to see it on the canadian side. according to the falls sit you need two forms of identity to cross the boarder both ways. and it recomended drivers license, birth certificate, or passport. are recomended. so my question is i have no passport, or the original of my birth certificate, but i do have a photo copy of my birth certificate, my license and social security card, so would i be able to use any of that to cross or am i screwed. thanks in advanced.
As per
American citizens crossing the border into Canada by land or water need ID that proves two things: 1) Citizenship, and 2) Identity by way of a photo.
A driver's license on its own or a Social Security Card on its own are not valid ID to cross the Canadian border.
The following pieces of identification will serve as satisfactory proof of American citizenship to enter Canada.
Please note, however, that photocopies of ID must be notarized:
* US passport
* Birth certificate,
* Certificate of citizenship or naturalization,
* Photo ID, such as current driver's license
So it looks like it you can get your Birth Certificate notarized, it will be enough for now. Passports will be the way to go starting next year sometime.
Shop Manuals, Brochures:
New ontario driver's licences combine your passport onto your licence with a hologram of your face, pretty cool looking!
<<<<<2003 Sunfire Sedan>>>>>
geeky thanks for the info looks like i'll have to get the birth certificate noterized.
Pretty soon at least here anyway, gonna need a passport ONLY.
Not sure about the rest of our country or Canada, but here in NY... we're getting out a little cheaper than a passport...
Chipped Licenses
" Under the new program, the Department of Motor Vehicles will offer a special license emblazoned with an American flag and embedded with a high-tech ID chip.
A deal with the Department of Homeland Security finalized last week will let holders use the special license when returning from Canada, Mexico, Bermuda and the Caribbean under the new stricter border-crossing rules that go into effect next year. "
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Friday, August 08, 2008 10:19 AM
i thought i heard june 2009 a pass port is need when crossing to the usa by land