Hey gonna get the car painted in the spring. Anyone got a good place to go in southern ontario that is not gonna take me too the cleaners. Im not looking for a crazy high end job just want it too look half way decent for a couple of years and to be all one colour. Anyone one on here spray and willing to do it?? I would prep just never laid paint before.
ottawa auto body in hamilton
the shop is located on ottawa street in hamilton i think.... lol
Wayde is correct. It is on Ottawa Street somewhere
anyone willing to paint my car?? If anyone has the ability Im willing to pay and prep if you are able to lay paint.
Painting is easy, just make sure everything is the same amount of layers/ smooth. If not don't worry, sand a little with 1000 or 2000 grade sand paper but wet with water to shift the paint around and make it smooth. Clear coat hides/ fixes the rest. If your worried wet your panel or piece after its dry to see if it shows smooth before clear coating (that's what it will look like). But keep in mind its amazing what clear coat can hide/ fix. =)
Oh i also recommend gm replica dupli paint and clear coat. It actually looks perfectly identical/ factory. Its amazing and its from crappy tire! (Canadian Tire)
^ your kidding? right? lol
ya painting is so easy, thats why everyone is doing it these days i guess.......
No im not kidding, i got it for a half ass job for my car and it was brilliant... i actually S**T myself. It's surprisingly awesome stuff man!
Pffft what do YOU know about painting cars anyway, Wayde haha

14.330 @ 96.37mph
nobody lays paint on this forum?? Comeon i have a grand that im willing to spend!
wow $1000 bucks? for that kinda cash ill do it with what flop dick said and use duplicolor