A GATHERING!!! Yes, I am proposing that we should get together as civilized j-body owners. Civilized, as in NO DRAMA!! If you think their may be some tension between you and another, DO NOT SHOW UP! now, having said that:
Mall of georgia, June 25th 0f 2005, around 2 o'clockish, and assuming that the M.O.GA popo's don't run us off, is the set date. let me ad that the date was just pulled out of my a$$!! and that's all I got, so if anyone else has any idea as far during and post entertainment goes, please feel free contribute!
so far, looks like it's me and maybe Kilo. any takers?
and if you think someone else (that maybe is not on the .org or are not on here often) would be interested, contact them please!
here we go
J-body.org Join date: Monday, January 21, 2002

AIM & Y!: COGcaviZ24

- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
you need to get a set place and date. I am not driving 3 hrs to be run off by the cops and then sit there twiddling my thumbs.
ok help me out here. here can we meet, in that area, were won't get ran off?
J-body.org Join date: Monday, January 21, 2002

AIM & Y!: COGcaviZ24
as long as i can get off work than yea im definitely in. glad someone is atleast tryin to get a meet set up in atl....
and if anyone wants to join me im at the calhoun drag strip every sunday if i dont take my car i race a rail car for my uncle.
ahittz24 (the Warned one) wrote:you need to get a set place and date. I am not driving 3 hrs to be run off by the cops and then sit there twiddling my thumbs.
I'm not asking if you to come if you live three hours away! I don't blam ya, I wouldn't either.
i'm also searching for a backup location. i'd like find a local park. any suggestions
J-body.org Join date: Monday, January 21, 2002

AIM & Y!: COGcaviZ24
Hey I would love to come but I cant manage driving to the other side of Atlanta with my wife being pregnant and about to pop. I am new but I have been looking for something in the Atlanta area. Is there anyone on the south side of Atlanta?
<a href="www.russelspc.com">
<img border="0" src="http://russelspc.com/jbody.jpg">
crazy: dude, I totaly relate! my wife is 9wks. she is coming but to shop
Tyler: I don't think so either
J-body.org Join date: Monday, January 21, 2002

AIM & Y!: COGcaviZ24
andrew- you could always plan a meet at the same place it was last time- when it was JCG...
the park is about 5 mins from my house and it easy access from 75 and 575...
the only downfall is u have to pay the parks parking fee... but it went well- everyone brought food and stuff and we grilled out and hung out- and since we all paid to enter (like 5$ a car) no one ran us off....
yea I went 2 of those meet. we'll give this a try, and maybe next month we'll setup another one with more notice and more organization.
J-body.org Join date: Monday, January 21, 2002

AIM & Y!: COGcaviZ24
and i went to that one at hal's place. there was like 30 j's. when we all left to eat, all I saw was cav & fire tail lights in front and head lights behind. that was incredible! good times
J-body.org Join date: Monday, January 21, 2002

AIM & Y!: COGcaviZ24
yeah the one at hals was pretty good too
a lot of people i didnt know there and a lot of people i did know...
hopefully this one will be good- i'll let mike know about it....
lets plain fast people have to work park are ok if get enough people to rent a place to cook put i live next to a park East Roswell in Roswell Ga. 10 min from north point mall on 400 maybe try to do it at 5 pm or at night not as hot
the park here you dont have to rent to cook out... you just pay the 5$ car fee, go in and grills and picnic tables are all over the place...
Jwle143: give me a call sometime and we'll discuss setup on the next meet (678)617-4336
J-body.org Join date: Monday, January 21, 2002

AIM & Y!: COGcaviZ24
at andretti's speed way is a good place, i know Honda-Tech.com has met there several years in a row..
so we got 3 definites, 1 if he can get of work, the guy that bought my car may be coming, not sure about Juli,mike, and kilo
J-body.org Join date: Monday, January 21, 2002

AIM & Y!: COGcaviZ24
Buford dam park is free to park and its on the lake...
yea that would be a nice place, and I'm too far from there.
J-body.org Join date: Monday, January 21, 2002

AIM & Y!: COGcaviZ24
CrAzY )v(iDgEt wrote:Hey I would love to come but I cant manage driving to the other side of Atlanta with my wife being pregnant and about to pop. I am new but I have been looking for something in the Atlanta area. Is there anyone on the south side of Atlanta?
Yes sir.....I have houses all around the southside but I have two main ones in Newnan and Casacade Rd off I-285! Glad to see someone actually close to Atlanta besides me and I guess Alberto, but he's back and forth to Fl.
N2O + Bolt-ons
= 220Hp/
Coming Soon:HpTunersPro, EagleConnectingRods, WiescoPistons, 13sec2200
LqqkItzme wrote:at andretti's speed way is a good place, i know Honda-Tech.com has met there several years in a row..
And yes Andretti's Speed Lab is pretty damn nice! Wish they'd open up that skidpad though! Awww how awesome would that be? Donuts right off of the main road with no SH*** from the cops! Nioceee
N2O + Bolt-ons
= 220Hp/
Coming Soon:HpTunersPro, EagleConnectingRods, WiescoPistons, 13sec2200
Andrew Lee wrote:Jwle143: give me a call sometime and we'll discuss setup on the next meet (678)617-4336
okay cool- maybe we can plan on doing it over here in like july or august...
does anyone have a boat or jetskis? it would be cool to go to the same park and maybe rip around in the water too...
but we can definately go to the park here- it wouldnt be a problem for me and mike to show up early and and grab the same space as last time for all of us to park...