ok guys heres my problem:i'm from pennsylvania and i currently have a suspended drivers license

however, at the end of february i am going to be moving to south carolina w/ a relative. now my question is this:since my current pa license is suspended will i be able to obtain a driver s license in south carolina or will i have to wait the suspension out. i was told by a few people that i shouldn't have any problems since pennsylvania is a commomwealth state and s.c. isn't or something like that. diff. laws i guess. if i can get a license in s.c., what all will i have to do? written test(s), any road tests? also what are a few other driving and traffic laws down there (for future reference) thanx for all the help guys. much appreciated
People say that what doesn't kill you in this life
will make you stronger. I'm not sure if that is true
or not, but i do know one thing-You have to learn from
it and it has to make you better.......it has to.......
from my understanding, at least here in FL, you cannot get a DL, anywhere if you have it suspended in any other state.

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Yahoo IM : buzz122 AIM : buzz122cav
well thats what i was thinking. but the thing is that pennsylvania is run by penndot pennsylvania department of transportation where as most other states are run by DMV department motor vehicles i think . so i know a lotta laws are different in pa. plus the fact that pa is a commonwealth state which doensn't help. this is one tough state to live in because of all the messed up laws. i got my license suspended for a year because i got caught w/out my setbelt on by a state cop. what a bunch of bull@!#$ lol
People say that what doesn't kill you in this life
will make you stronger. I'm not sure if that is true
or not, but i do know one thing-You have to learn from
it and it has to make you better.......it has to.......
WHAT ??????? a suspended liscence for a SEATBELT ??????????

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Yahoo IM : buzz122 AIM : buzz122cav
well i am in sc and i say this just try it and see what happens cause the worst thing that could happen is they say no

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well Im gonna run this by my aunt, she works for the DMV here in SC so i'll let you know tomorrow, and also my uncle, he is a cop lol
just riding around in the 4 door cav
well, if that ain't nice, SOMEONE has connections...... you lucky devil.....

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Yahoo IM : buzz122 AIM : buzz122cav
where in sc are you moving too?
boy im glad i got out of that state, lol... I really dont need my license suspended for something dumb like that. Used to live in PA but got out last sept
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I know lol, uncle works for the city, my other uncle is a state trooper, his wife works for the DMV, and her sister works for richland county, and my god father is cheif justice of the columbia city police lol,
just riding around in the 4 door cav
well Im gonna run this by my aunt, she works for the DMV here in SC so i'll let you know tomorrow, and also my uncle, he is a cop lol
yeah that would deff. b sweet if u could find out for me. will help me out a-lot. thanks alot for all yer help. much appreciated
People say that what doesn't kill you in this life
will make you stronger. I'm not sure if that is true
or not, but i do know one thing-You have to learn from
it and it has to make you better.......it has to.......
aight bro i got off the fone with my aunt, and she works for the DMV, and my uncle her husband works for the city of columbia police, and i told them about you and your situation. They did say that PA is a totaly diff. state then SC and that your seat belt escapade was blown toatly out of porportion, here that same law would have gotten you a $25 ticket...... on the the BIG news...... they both said and I quote... You CAN NOT get your license her with that SUSPENSION on your record, you will be denined when your named is run through the crimal defense system, CDS, and that you would have to wait out your suspension, or as my uncle said, drive like you have some sense and don't get caught lol, but I'm sorry to be the guy to give you the bad news but she did say maybe you can go to an apeals traffic court and see about getting it lifted because the offense is not looked upon here as getting you license suspened and she would look into it for you so I will get back to you soon about that....... peace dude and when you come give me a ring lol peace
just riding around in the 4 door cav
Well, at least you might get a chance to appeal it..... thats good news enough..... so it can't be that bad....

wait for it... wait for it... NOW GO!! ---> '02 LS Sport <---
Yahoo IM : buzz122 AIM : buzz122cav