the majority of us are planning on meeting up at the winne dixie shopping center corner of fowler ave and u.s. 301. it is the fowler exit off of i-75. the plan is to meet there around 2:30 and leave for o'town around 3:00. we will be going directly to the masters inn to check into our rooms and get something to eat before the track.
i-75 south, fowler exit, once at fowler make a left (east) and it will be down less than a mile on your right.
i-75 north, fowler exit, once at fowler make a right (east) and it will be down on the right hand side.
from i-275 or dale mabry hwy, head east on fowler, go under the i-75 overpass and it will be down on your right.
any problems or questions hit me up #813-404-4825.
thanks - donnie
forgot to mention that we are caravaning on friday afternoon...
not sure what the saturday people will be doing, but we have a couple that are meeting us at the masters inn on saturday moring around 9:30-10:00.
I'll be ridin (dirty) up there with Viper and Bobby, think we're going to leave at 10:30 to get to the show right about 12. See you ho's at the show.
-- John
can i hook up with this caravan at the 27 and I-4 exit
you talkin about friday afternoon or saturday morning?
either way i do not see why not...
im going friday afternoon
dont worry bryan, i'm sure this guy can help you find your way.

- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
lol i was drunk and ran through a fountain at school, thats my room mate!
^^Wow I don't even wanna know what was goin on in that pic.....or what HAD happened lol just kidding

Car is for Sale!Supercharger kit is for sale!
matt, it is the exit for 27 or exit 27 off of i-4? is there a gas station at the exit we can meet up at? or we could give you a call as we are approaching that exit and you can meet us on the high way...
my # is 404-4825
yeah what ever is better for you guys its a pretty busy exit with gas and food just call me when you get close and we can talk bout it my phone is 863-381-3604 nextel -161*131818*3
i'd rather get something set up before hand. let me know where you want to meet up at. whats the exit number? 27? i'll give you a call when we are at the exit before yours and you can shoot up on the highway and meet us on the road. you can't miss my car...
you staying at the masters inn friday night?
FL-27 is exit 55 (if Yahoo maps is correct). I believe this is the Haines City exit... big Ford dealership on your left, and a wall on your right.
Exit 27 is 570. I want to say this is the Auburndale exit.
So which one are you going to be at Matt?
I saw Matt's post in the S. FL caravan. He will be coming from Sebring, thus taking FL-27N. So we could meet him @ exit 55 (Haines City... double checked with Mapquest).
This will be approx 50 miles from our starting point, so if we leave right at 3:00, we could easily meet you around 3:45.
Because of the way this exit is set up, we should meet South of I-4. There are plenty of gas stations and what not to meet.
-Detective Muffin.
alright, tampa peeps meeting at 2:30, at 301 & fowler ave. we hit the road at 3:00 and we should be at exit 55 about 3:45 to meet up with matt...
muffin - could you kindly explain where it was you wanted to meet matt off of exit 55 how he will find it.
see everyone tomorrow - donnie
Matt. Take a left on Stadium Way. It is the last light you will hit before you reach the I-4 onramp. There is new development going up there, so everything is cleared out and we should see you (or you should see us) with no problem. Give Donnie a call if you get there before we do. We'll call you once we get there.
Here is the mapquest view. Zoom in to the I-4 and FL-27 intersection. You'll see Stadium Way directly South.
i lived up in that area Hwy 27 is exit 55 there's quite a few gas stations and a resturaunts hopefully i can catch up with you guys or even matt since im comming from winter haven it probilly be easier just to meet at the burgerking on 27 it's right there off the off ramp and it's well visable
@!#$ gotta work firday i'll be up saturday but then im on duty staturday night
cant wait to meet up with everyone
cool - we'll see you at exit 55...
see you at exit 55 at apprx. 3:45