Next Team CFJ meeting will be on feb 3rd at eric's house
time will be annoucened soon
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
Maybe I can make it 2 for 2 in shocking the crap outa Jess with a clean car... hehehehe... maybe even take the time to clean in THOROUGHLY to increase the shock factor... =)
Best ET to Date: 14.251 @ 98.51 mph. 13's or Bust Baby!
LMAO...shock factor FTW!!!
Well as you have read above i have agreed with my rubber arm being twisted, to host the Feb 3rd CFJ meet!!! So i guess a time and stuff like that will be needed....
7:30 pm Feb 3rd....sound good to everyone....i have a grill and a decent size backyard w/ lake...also have a firepit type of contraption and a screened in porch so weather permitting it could be outside!!!
Now i know that there is a Halo tournament at the meets so let me introduce to you my 65"tv.....Sony 3lcd 65" split screen capable, thats right folks two systems one tv 4 players hahah......i have a Xbox but no Halo as i am not a fan...but feel free to bring your copy and another xbox with you!!!
And lastly i suppose that people are gonna need directions to said meeting.....well i dont even know how to get here so good luck hahha J/K
Well for those who were at the last meet on the 20th...i live like 5 mins from Waterford Lakes so if everyone wants to meet there at like say 730 then we could all just follow me and come back to the hizzy
any questions/concerns/constructive or deconstructive criticism/ sexual comments from jess/ and or anything that you would just like to talk to me about i should have som sort or response to....
my contact info is as follows....
AIM- autocavabot99
Cell- 765-274-8414
if you want to mapquest the addy ill give it to you if you call or message me
and remember jesus loves you!!! Except after you wash your car....let it rain!!
RIP JESSE GERARD.....7.11.87/1.25.08(sunfireboi)
You have received a forum warning:
Warning: Don't ever wish harm On an Ohio state player you Douche canoe...
Expires: Sunday, October 10, 2010 6:47 AM PT
ahh yes... the all familiar halo ass kicking... i mean tournament... lol... well put me down for commin and with a console and H2...
765??? were the fu(k is that area code from??? lol...
lol.... good times. Anybody get in contact with Casper lately? I wanna know if he still has the bomex front & stuff and if he wants to trade for my cav parts, lol....
Best ET to Date: 14.251 @ 98.51 mph. 13's or Bust Baby!
Well if I don't have anything exciting going on I might go to this one. Do you need us to bring any grub or drinks????
This is gonna be a BYOF type of function...i am not supporting food habits...i have trouble supporting mine.....just bring like soda or whatever and some hotdogs, hamburgers etc.... i have a couple coolers and plenty of seating for everyone so no worries with that.....
is anyone allergic to animals??? i know kyle is mildly and i could care less about him hahaha, just to pre warn everyone i have a dog that will lick you to death and a cat that is his best friend(weird)....any questions or concerns holla at me
RIP JESSE GERARD.....7.11.87/1.25.08(sunfireboi)
You have received a forum warning:
Warning: Don't ever wish harm On an Ohio state player you Douche canoe...
Expires: Sunday, October 10, 2010 6:47 AM PT
no i am good with animals and i gonna be bringing some mountain dew ftw
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
i like puppies..............
i do have them... =D
5 seconds to find another street...
StreetWhite03 wrote:i do have them... =D
holy crap casper lives
the whole world is gonna freeze over
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Thursday, January 25, 2007 10:20 PM
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
yeah yeah screw u eric....Im bring my own weiner..prob some
hey everyone, i'll be there cuz i just looked at my schedule and sat is free.
optima is 100 bucks again, gonna bring it too
later everyone
5 seconds to find another street...
Well i was thinkin on hittin speedworld again this friday, but I guess i can hold off another week =P ... by then I should have the drag radials i'm lookin into and the bottle warmer I direly need... hehe.. maybe i can get some races in saturday night... 0=)
Best ET to Date: 14.251 @ 98.51 mph. 13's or Bust Baby!
haha awesome =).... I'll cut the juice and we can have a little fun one run. Any update on if you got the vid from my run uploaded yet? My friend is deciding to be skeptical... lol
Best ET to Date: 14.251 @ 98.51 mph. 13's or Bust Baby!