Just wondering if there was anyone on here from around mooresville NC. My buddy that drives an 00 Z lives in troutman and i go down there all the time with my Z. I was just seeing if anyone on here was from that general area, to see if anyone hangs out anywhere. We go out to Hickory sometimes, just trying to find something to do. I searched but didnt find much, thought itd be easier to just make a shout. Thanks
i no longer have a j but my fiance and i live in mooresville (he got rid of his j too)...never seen your car before though...
oh one more thing, you should check out the street vision threads
cool thanks..i saw u guys are meeting at the mall next weekend, unfortunately i cant come down that weekend because i have to watch my moms house, she is going to alaska and hawaii
..is there anything going on may 26-june 1st? ill be down there then.
not that i know of but your welcome to come down and hang out. i work up in statesville and live in mooresville. maybe we can go to the dragstrip i think the grand am is almost ready to race but if not we can take samanthas g6.
mooresville's about a 30 min drive for me from uncc area. the guys i roll with head to hickory some weekends too. im sure something is goin down somewhere around here this summer too
i only went to hickory one time and i honestly didnt like it too much
oh well, theres always something to find to get into somewhere around here lol.
im from hickory, im trying to get decent upgrades to get my sunfire up to around 200 horses
I will be down in the area this coming weekend until the 1st...if anyone knows of anything to get into let me know. thanks.
my advice is to stay away from concord (and a 30 mile radius from it) since the 600 is this weekend at the speedway and 77 and 85 because its going to be so conjested cause of the race (both north and south bound) so that pretty much means going to charlotte for any reason is also out of the question. but around here......um, idk? lol. maybe could try going to the movies lol.