Hey everybody, this is just a reminder that tomorrow is the last day you can reserve you room for the Host Hotel @ $85 a nite. Remember this is just a reservation and not a charge to a credit card or bank card.
Chris Winstel
I'm making my reservations tonight. I have a bunch of friends comin up so hopefully they have 3 rooms still!
Car is for Sale!Supercharger kit is for sale!
a friend wants me to stay with him cuz we hardly hang out so that's my plan for staying somewhere for the weekend
5 seconds to find another street...
@!#$, i forgot all about it - i must be getting old!
Evan Stryker wrote:Looks like this idea turned to turds...
Why do you say that?? DO you know who all reserved rooms???
I can't believe I just wasted my last post on this.
FU Tuning
It's because you're a sh-t stirrer.
John Piparo: I have an erection!! You guys are turning me on!
i called in on the 22nd got my room and also callen the 23rd and got a room for my friend still for 85 =)
Sunfireboi wrote:i called in on the 22nd got my room and also callen the 23rd and got a room for my friend still for 85 =)
I might take a gamble and call and see if they still have rooms.
John Piparo: I have an erection!! You guys are turning me on!
Alexis wrote:Sunfireboi wrote:i called in on the 22nd got my room and also callen the 23rd and got a room for my friend still for 85 =)
I might take a gamble and call and see if they still have rooms.
See, if you had called me back last weekend instead of ignoring me we'd have a room booked. But nooo. Now the cheap rate is gone. Loser.
their is also a hotel down the road about a mile if that for 49.95 a night just my 2 cents
5 seconds to find another street...
Yea I cancelled my reservations at the Host hotel.
I found a place right near it, The Suites at Oldtown, and for the 6 of us its gonna be 50 bucks each person for both nights
Car is for Sale!Supercharger kit is for sale!
Where is this hotel located? I hope it is not on the bad side of Old Town... you of all people should know that... I myself prefer to spend a little more money be right there so if Carol gets tired she can walk to the room and relax. Plus having the kitchenette and the 24 Hr pool rocks! Oh and the safety of somebody watching our cars
Eh, I don't blame him. It's just a place to sleep. Just bring some bug spray. =D
Bobby, how much was it per night for a two bed room at that place? We missed the cutoff for the other hotel, and while we may try to see if we can still get the discount, it would be nice to have a backup...a much cheaper backup
Chris is right. Why not spend the extra couple of bucks and have a better place to stay? The 24/7 security is worth it alone, plus we gotta pool all night long. And that place looks REALLY nice. It may just be a place to sleep, but hell, I'd rather be that much more comfortable all weekend, and its a quick walk right to the show site.
R.I.P. JessE Gerard 7.11.87 - 1.25.08
The Radiation Nation Facebook Twitter Twisted Metal Alliance
Ok so we cried for a host hotel why?
Exactly.. my main point was that you took the time to call around and arrange for this, and then these other people took it upon themselves to go find something else. There's a word for that.. I just cant think of what it is right now
R.I.P. JessE Gerard 7.11.87 - 1.25.08
The Radiation Nation Facebook Twitter Twisted Metal Alliance