I have a 1998 Pontiac Sunfire SE Coupe. I wrecked it a couple weeks ago and bent the frame. I don't have the money to buy a new one so I'm going to sell the parts that are good, or if someone wants to buy the car they may.
Everything is stock and the engine has a little over 146,000 miles on it. If anything is wanted let me know and we'll figure out a price for it.
I'm going to send it to the junkyard in a week.
I'm in Orlando, FL.
Where is all the damage so we know what parts we can pick from?
Your fight begins tonight.
currently the only damage is to the hood,bumper,and left fender. the frame pushed the battery back some and I think the radiator might be bent a little bit. Everything else is still good. Also the airbags did not go off.
If I could find the software for my camera I'd give pictures. :/
man theres a sunfire here in my town for 400 bucks! need a timing chain. i can get you the info in you want
WTF! Where the heck is there a sunfire for 400 bucks?!?! Do you know what motor it has?
Car is for Sale!Supercharger kit is for sale!
in englewood bobby....its a 2200 though
gosh if only I had 400 bucks...
well, little update I may end up getting the frame bent back. My mom was in an accident on tues. night and our van its completely totaled. We have a friend that has a frame machine and if it's fixable it would give my family a car for a few months. If it can't be fixed, I'll let you guys know so you can have parts from it.
ok, well I'm getting it fixed next week
it won't be perfect but I'll get it back up and running. then I'll try to find a new one that's better. JBO FTW!!!