Anyone Interested Yet???? I need to sell this car. I might go alittle lower on the price.
Just wondering why you are getting rid of it I might know someone interested
if i had the $$ i would
maybe if ya throw in the driveway underneath for 11 even itll sell
Lanman31337 -F = fatties = do not want. A little chunk in the junk is ok though.
Killercobaltss/sc: Well I am selling the car to try and pay off one my wife's charger and I am going to get a cheaper car. Possibly another J-body. Everything is in perfect running order. Test drives are welcome.
Wrong Turn: Driveways not included. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!
anyone interested? I really need to sell the car. Make me a reasonable offer!!!
if i wasnt goin thru an identity theft problem i would be all over it