Looking for a TRD kit, like the title says. Hopefully get a good price if anyone has any of the parts, working on a tight budget being a college student and all.
Also interested in some cheap 17" rims, chrome or black.
Would be awesome if you are around 17325, but if not I'm willing to make a little trip.
make me an offer on my kit its all TRD
How good of shape is it in? From what I can see it looks pretty flawless except for on the front, was it busted at some point?
ya the front just needs some filler i fiberglassed all the cracks in it and just needs a lil more work to be finished the sides are in great condition. i got the front that way so i have no idea what happened to it i just know it was off a s15 converted sunfire
Well just to make sure.. The TRD kit fits on the 2001 Cav, right?
I was trying to look online but I'm not having much luck.
ya took my 4 months to find this in this shape lol. it should fit the 01 cav fine. im sellin the lambo doors too if you want to make me an offer.