ok so i cant figure out why im overheating, but does anyone have a diagram???
right at the firewall there is some spout right under the metal ac lines.. does anyone know what that is ? its not the overflow from the resevoir because that is right next to the tire.. its a 94 2.2..
prolly th evap. drain fo the a/c. as for the overheating being the nice 2.2 motor it isim gonnaguess and saythe head gasket. so just check for coolant around the head and if possible pressure test it to be sure.
The spout IS the drain point for any leakage from the heater matrix(radiator)
There is not much coolant loss when the head gasket starts to go, especially if the leakage is coolant OUT from the drivers side front of the engine. This is where many 2.2's seem to leak.
Internal head gasket leaks are more dramatic especially if it forces coolant into the lubrcation system.
But monitor carefully how much fluid you are losing.
Once the system overheats the expansion forces the coolant out somewhere.
If there is coolant being ejected from the SPOUT at the firewall you probably have a leaking heater core/matrix.
You really need a good maintenance manual if you don't already have one