Spent a couple weeks making these (I know, its not perfect...there is a realllly bad edge on the back of the passenger door...hey, its my first try!) and I have finished 1 door!
Any opinions are welcome, but please dont call this rice...
looks good, did you tape off the red to the black? it looks a little off but other than that it looks good.
**changes are here**
dude where do u come up with this @!#$? THAT LOOKS SWEET!!!! i got those same seat covers but black/grey lol, thats definitly not ricery and i definitly looks great and i am definitly gonna steal your idea. lol
looks great dude
<img src="http://www.bstuff.com/uploads/post-14-1121828144.jpg">
Hehe thanks, guys. I tore off the grey carpet and cut vinyl to the same forms and then laid it down with 3m spray glue
That black strip is the old grey strip in the middle of the door panel, sprayed black with spray on vinyl dye