Accidentally posted this in the 3rd gen......the comments, oh the comments............I don't think I like many people from the 3rd gen. Anyway, here goes. Let me know what you think.
I still appreciate all the work you've put into it. Thats alot of time and effort.
I don't like too many 3rd gen guys opinions either. Its cookie cutter or the highway with them
I totally agree with you. I didn't pay attention to which forum I put it in, due to the fact that hurricane Ophelia hit Camp Lejeune. So it was kind of a rush job. But thanks for the support.
Uh all I said was its got a ways to go. I also said I can respect all the work you did and that I would have just gone a different way with it. Thats not hate its an honest opinion
And don't you guys hate on us 3rd gen guys just cause our cars are better then yours

Yes i'm only kidding. But don't forget that 10 years of advancements to the car from G.M. does make a huge diff.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
jackalope ( a.k.a. the prick ) wrote:Uh all I said was its got a ways to go. I also said I can respect all the work you did and that I would have just gone a different way with it. Thats not hate its an honest opinion
And don't you guys hate on us 3rd gen guys just cause our cars are better then yours
Yes i'm only kidding. But don't forget that 10 years of advancements to the car from G.M. does make a huge diff.
What are these huge advancements you speak of? As far as i know a 3rd gen is just a cheaply made reshaped 2nd gen. Looks like a tater bug and handles like a sled.
Aaron, i dont know if u remember but last time i told u i didnt like yur cavy. i told u that "that was lots of work and i appriciate it, but still i dont like it." just forget about all that bull@!#$!!! its lookin really good man. i dont know much about vents and stuff on body's, but u said on yur domain site that u would make them all functional? what do the ones on the fender and quarter panels go to? (im thinking its the brakes?) just kinda wondering. its pretty amazing how far along u have come. that interior is lookin mighty nice too!!! when u are completley done, what is yur paint gonna be? lookin good man!!!
and 3rd gen guys, you guys dont know anything, u guys are the type of people that pay for an oil change, and you guys are the type of people whos mom bought their car for them. you see 3rd gens have every thing, u guys have a huge after market, we have almost no after market. we 2g guys have to do everything custom, and that takes work, all u guys have to do is just click the order button and screw on the part when it arives.
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Were the hell is all this 3rd gen hate coming from LOL. You guys have after market too. Damn.
Uh all I said was its got a ways to go. I also said I can respect all the work you did and that I would have just gone a different way with it. Thats not hate its an honest opinion
I wasn't talking about you jackalope. You gave constructive criticism, not like the rest of the a holes who's ugly, it's a pos, etc. And there are a few others that I"m not really talking about. So don't think I'm upset with you. In fact, I posted a forum a while ago, probally in july, and some "KID" was acting so immature, it was sad. And it makes it even worse to know that he's in the 2d gen. But thanks though.
And 94 custom, yes, that's pretty much what they're going to be, all brake vents. I'm going from fwd to rwd at some point, just the matter of finding the engine and transmission. I have everything else I need. The color I plan on making it is similar to an escalade color. It's called gold mica pearl, bright sliver with a gold pearl color, pretty nice color. And I re-did the headliner and the interior parts to a brighter red. My driver seat is going, and I'm probally going to get a tenzo seat. But I'll keep you all updated.
u said that u were switching to RWD? how hard is that? wont u have to like strip the car back down? damn thats alotta work man. u have no idea how much respect u are gaining from me. lol
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Well, I may not have to strip the car down on the body, just the interior, cut the firewall, weld in a custom transmission tunnel, take out the spare tire housing, and get a new gas tank. Being that I have a speaker system, I don't want to get a fuel cell. Instead, I am probally going to get a mustang gas tank or if I can, the BMW 325i has the gas tank on the side, pretty much on the passenger side and it does not go all the way across. I,m still checking my options. Maybe a 4.3, 3800, but if I did a 3800, might as well keep it fwd, but focusing on LT1. May even think about boring it out to 6.0 liters, who knows?
Pezed did you miss the little

Dude after I said it? If so then try

Does that clarify that I was just kidding well enough? Geez! man relax ! The only things that I know of where the thrid gen cars are better in is the engines ( not a knock against yours its just that they are newer and G.M. made some improvments thats all. Oh and our brakes are bigger then yours . ) Other then that the cars are very close.
Aaron talk to Fallin Angel she does body work for a living I mentioned your car to her and she said to ask if you needed any help. Good Luck with it man. But look at it this way when its done its gonna be bad ass and imagine the deep ass wheels you'll be able to fit on that thing. 10 inch deep polished lip anyone? Keep it up and good luck.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
Thanks for the support jackalope. And where do I find fallen angel??
She hangs around the exterior forum a lot as thats where her experteese is. She lives in PA. so I don't know if thats too far for you or not. But it wouldn't hurt to just ask her for advice maybe that way some of the haters will stop hating.
Good luck let me know if you cant find her.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
still dont like the sheet metal idea but the design is still cool. just dont go overboard with the vents.
good work dood....
My widebody should be done in 2 or 3 weeks along with my Nissan Skyline R32 Conversion...
I would like to know of these 3rd gen advances ...
the way i see it
Bubbled out body
smaller engine (3.1 GM motor to 2.4 Saturn/Toyota motor)
Face it.. across the board GM Tried crack in 1995... they became addicted and heavy abusers in 2005.... in my mind GM has lost touch .... GM needs to lay off the crack... realize that Toyota isnt the @!#$, and should stop using their ideas/engines/bodys ... and come back to their originial old school domestic mentality...
/\ /\ /\ I hate to burst your bubble but Toyota engines are way better then ours. I didn't come here to start with anyone I came here to offer Aaron advice on how he could go about his body work and to put him in touch with a pro. and to offer up encouragement
that he sure wasn't getting in the thrid gen forum. And as for your 3.1 engined cars I haven't lost to one of them yet and I have the 2.2 ECO engine so whats your point?
Don't start with me as I didn't come here to start with you

Everybody play nice and its all good. Remember we ALL own " J " bodies.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
I wasnt refering to the eco... i was refering to the twin cam 2.4
anyway go to and read up on the 3400 motor swap...
im not starting @!#$ with anyone... im not a fan of anything GM did after 1994....
Hey thats cool. To each his own I guess. I'm not so much a fan of the boxy body style but I'm not gonna hate over it thats just silly.

BTW yours looks great I love the front end good job dude!

As for the whole swap thing I think Ill just go forced induction but thanks just the same.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
jackalope ( a.k.a. the prick ) wrote:Hey thats cool. To each his own I guess. I'm not so much a fan of the boxy body style but I'm not gonna hate over it thats just silly.
BTW yours looks great I love the front end good job dude!
As for the whole swap thing I think Ill just go forced induction but thanks just the same.
i agreee .. im not a fan of the bubble style but a lot of people are... those are selling right now... i dont hate third gen owners for it... i just dont want it for me...
thanks for the compliment...
/\ /\ /\ Yeah I got mine not cause I think the body is awesome I got it cause its what I could afford at the time.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.