Hi All,
Recently I installed an instrument cluster off a 93 Z-24 and put it on my 94RS 2.2. The oil pressure, water temp, and fuel gauge worked, neither the tach nor the speedo worked. (I got this cluster for the tach). Is there any way to get this cluster to work on my car? Am I missing something? Also does anyone know the pin out of the 28 pin connector that plugs into the cluster? Does a lead for a tach even go into my cluster? If so what color lead would I look for? And how could I test if I am getting a pulse from the coil pack? If I couldnt get this cluster to work would I be able to install an aftermarket tach and is there anything special that I would have to do to make this work? I know I ask alot of questions I just dont know where else to go for help. I am hoping that someone can please help me... Thank You Tom
There is a tach wire. I just don't know exactly which one it is at the cluster. Its wire B11 on the center connector of the ECM. I don't know why the speedo isn't working.
act james all he needs to do is change the resistor in the gauge cluster ( i know this cause i did it ) if you need the how to i have all the info in a binder that i keep just let me know and ill email them to ya ( i have pics and all ) or you can send it to me and ill do it for a small fee
Here- I found the
How To
You're right. I admit defeat
if he needs the pics i have them
james i got some plans for my j when i get to school so ill have some ? for ya ( ya better bone up on the 3400 lol)
do you know if the ever made a distributer
Thanks for the instructions. The pictures would help even more, can you send them too? (Email). Okay that would take care of the tach. What am I looking for to get the speedo to work?