I just bought a 94 cavalier RS (SS) on the door, but I think some one put that on there. Anyway the Miles are in the excess of 200K (actual 211,567) What should I be looking for when it comes to signs of the engine being weak or bad. I bought it from the original owner, who drove it from Brand New in 1994 until two weeks ago.
Engine looks decent, No loud knocking, or anything of the such, But I am just wondering if the car has this many Miles on it, how many are left on it before it just falls apart. I paid 500 for it, brand new clutch, and a few other parts, but if the car seems to be in good shape, should it be with that many miles on it??
Or should I be looking for a new engine now?
I don't know j-body's yet........but I will!
does it idle well?
How quick does the oil get dirty?
How is the pick up?
You never really know (though sometimes you do) when an engine is going to kick the bucket....
If the owner took good care of it...you should be fine for now.
Just make sure you do the upkeep on the car....
Idle is ruff until it warms up some.
He stated he changed the oil at 211,000 I drained it last night and was going to change it again to be safe, the oil is not black but has a darkened look to it.
The car accelerates Fine it seems like. But he must have taken care of the mechanics becuase the interior does need some work...cosmetically!
But the clutch replaced at 208,000 still has warranty on it, and I have the maintance records for several years of work, all done at the local dealer. But with that many miles does this car still have life left or are these engines not that strong??
I don't know j-body's yet........but I will!
Is it a 3.1 or 2.2? My 3.1 bird has 264,000km ans it's fine. My dad had a grand prix 3.1 with close to 600,000km on it when the head gasket went. You should be good with yours unless you beat the hell out of it. If it's a 2.2 then I am not familliar with those.
i checked the vaccuum on my car;s engine before i bought it. You can buy a vacuum gauge for about 30CDN. A steady reading of 17-21 in.of mercury should be present at idle AND when you accelerate the engine, vacuum should drop, and then go higher than 21 a bit and then return to the steady reading of whatever you had between 17-21.
If the engine does that, then it should be ok. Good steady vacuum like that means more than just not having a vaccum leak, it means your mechanical, and ignition timing is good, your head gasket isnt leaking, engine valves are not burnt, your valve springs are not weak yet. Also means valve guides are ok, fuel mix is ok and their isnt an exhaust restriction.
BUT, if the reading does not act like i said above, then one of those problems are culprit. The vacuum test is the first test you can do to check an engines mechanical condition, next would be a compression check and then the cylinder leak down test if you really want to crack down on whats causing the engine to be weak.
If you take a vacuum reading, make sure you take it from something that will not interfere with the engines operation, like a powerbrake booster or something.

2003 Cavalier 2dr. 5spd
my old 2.8l had 400k km on it the day it was retired (ran great still, but had a built motor to put in), and it had never been apart.
2nd gen engines are indestructable
they are by no means indestructable. i have seen quite a few 2.8/3.1l aswell as 2.2l with connecting roids through the side of the block. however if they are looked after, they will go for a long time, id say longer than your average motor.
Well I drove it around town for about an hour today.........(without insurance or anything) making sure that I wanted to switch everything over to it. It ran just as strong as my girlfriends 05 ecotech, but she out ran me in the end........lol The only thing that I have noticed is my car is shaky at Idle until it warms up. then it seems to be ok??
I don't know j-body's yet........but I will!
sharkey wrote:they are by no means indestructable. i have seen quite a few 2.8/3.1l aswell as 2.2l with connecting roids through the side of the block. however if they are looked after, they will go for a long time, id say longer than your average motor.
^^alot longer than avg
but chevy motors in general do don't they?
Elias A wrote:sharkey wrote:they are by no means indestructable. i have seen quite a few 2.8/3.1l aswell as 2.2l with connecting roids through the side of the block. however if they are looked after, they will go for a long time, id say longer than your average motor.
^^alot longer than avg
but chevy motors in general do don't they?
60 Degree V6's and SBC's seem to be the most reliable.
They've both been proven for many decades.
is it a 3.1? I'd also suggest a tune up spark plugs, filter, and wires. Then I would run some fuel injector cleaner through it. I think you got a deal on it by the way.

Everything Louder than Everything else
if you have the 2.2 Make sure you get the gaskets replaced and you should be fine... I have a 1993 Cavalier RS Sedan with 200200 Miles on it and My Gasket is just starting to leek... Common problems for it are WaterPump going bad and The Gaskets going.
I have no problems using a 2.2 to 300k miles. Just retired the wife's 93 Cav 2.2 with 280k miles due to rust, not due to mechanical problems.
As far as the shaking there's a couple of things that will help. 1) Check / replace engine mounts. The rear lower mount seems to be the most important for this. 2) Clean the throttle body and intake passages. Even with a careful owner these areas can become built up with carbon and junk.
Good luck.
Justen Meadows wrote:.......(without insurance or anything) ... It ran just as strong as my girlfriends 05 ecotech, but she out ran me in the end........
<sigh>.... not only driving without insurance... racing your girlfriends ecotech.