I own a 1994 Sunbird GT (3.1L V6). I need to remove the oil pan and it just won't come out. I read somewhere something about jacking up the engine after removing the engine mount bolts to provide clearance but I'm not sure if they mean to hoist it from above. I've tried several ways to jack it from below with no success. I may have the angle wrong. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
Best regards,
This is straight out the haynes manual.I have done mine on my 85 with a 2.0 and did have to unbolt the exh,and starter(removed). It says put it on jack stands (i recommend) simply to make more room to move.Says to remove the serp belt,and tensioner. drain fluid,filter remove the flywheel drive plate cover(mine has this which u do have to remove).Remove the starter then support the engine from above with a hoist(I did not have to do this with my 2.0 applies to V6 engines) Remove the engine to frame mounts nuts remove the inner fender splash shield.Remove the oil pan bolts and note the sizes used on the pan based on location so u put the bolts back in the right position.Raise the eng slightly and remove the oil pan.Obviously clean the pan and the bottom of the block with brake clean and some sand paper ( i recommend for good gasket surface) It sounds like u just need to hoist up the engine for clearance and when I did my pan I used permatexs the RIGHT STUFF gasket maker the best product EVER! I hope this helps you being I have a 4 banger I have no idea what the v6 is like but mine was not a easy task.I would buy this haynes manual they sell it at advance auto or auto zone for 20bux.Hope this clues you in or what ur needing.