whats up
im in the army in iraq and plan on changing out the shocks and springs on my car while i am over here. now i have been looking at 2 diffrent types of combinations for my car.
kyb-agx's with ebach pro kit
the koni complete sport kit wich includes the springs and shocks
first does any one have thae koni kit and do u like it ?
and second, wich do u guys think would be better. i have herd alot about the agx's and prokit, but i havent herd much on the complete koni sport kit.
just give me your opinions and that would be great
yes someone post to, i was thinkign of getting either the koni setup
or the koni with eibach sportlines
which one will be better for handling! thanks
well i dunno about the koni sport kit but i have koni yellows and sprint springs and i love them..phil
Pro-Kit will be better handling, the magic number for our cars I believe is right around the 1.5 inch mark.
I personally have the Pro-Kit with the Yellows and I love it. very aggressive handling when you need it, smooth ride. no bobble heads here.
I have heard good things about the Kit from Koni but I have not experienced the ride first hand.
The koni kit is supposed to be really good. I don't remember what spring rates it has, but it should be very similar to the prokit. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
i have the sport kit and i love it. fairly simply install (same as the rest) i suppose.
ride is nice on full soft and full stiff. much better handling than before. i can rip through the turns a lot better and i can adjust the suspension for my drag launches better.

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
I'm sorry to jack this thread slightly but Hypsy, would you think the KONI Kit would be good for AutoX? I'm stuck between Gravana's Coilovers and Tein SS System. Any help is appreciated.
well guys thankyou for your help i will go with the koni kit.
i think the Koni Kit would be awesome for auto-x. the car has no roll even when ripping down on/off ramps while picking up speed for the highway.
hopefully ill be testing them on a real road course this year so ill have a full report then, but i suck at auto-x so i wont do much of that

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
I'm actually about to buy the Koni sport kit. I just was wondering if it is a bolt on kit or if you still had to install the front strut inserts. The way they are described it is bolt on, but then why cant you just buy them like that. Well if anyone knows, i would appreciate the info. Thanks.

Go Go OG Traction!!
No its not bolt in, you have to cut front dampers, the replacements are inserts, you also have to bore out your rear upper strut mounts. But its worth all that, you can't buy anything higher quality for a Jbody IMO.

15.71 @ 87.9mph 9-17-05
even with the konis, you still will need a larger sway bar up front. when i had everything as far as suspension except for the front sway bar installed, my car didnt handle all that much better. when i put whe sway bar in, i could literally take corners 15-20 mph faster than before i had installed it. and yes, i did have the koni sport package. still have it acktually, im trying to sell my car so everything is up for grabs, email or pm me if you want the koni package already assembled for a good price.
So basically teh install is just like it is for the KONI Reds? Cut the stock strut and basically insert the KONI strut? I say REDS because thats what I have and the fact that i'm not sure what you have to do with the Yellows. If its just like the REDS then It shouldn't be too hard.
from what i understand, the installation is exactly the same.
the difference in the two installations is that you have to drill out the rear strut mounts with the yellows, as far as i know you don't need to do this with the reds.
i have a write up on the install for the yellows just do a search for " Koni yellow install with pictures" there was a change to the Org a few months back and the images got messed up but they should be fixed on the last page. if not E-mail me i have it in a PDF form somewhere.
The koni sport kit would be awesome and cheaper than the AGX with pro-kit setup.
I'll have a sig someday....................
Nissan for sale drop me a line!