I have a 2001 Coupe that I'm considering putting some money into to as far as the suspension is concerned. I don't want to lower it... let me emphasize that.
I Don't Want To Lower My Car, Thanks.
Within the past year or so, it's developed a very rough ride. The cd player skips on the smallest bumps, the steering wheel shakes, the glove box rattles, I rattle... but that's beside the point.
I know it needs new tires, but those aren't in bad enough shape to cause all this shaking. Plus, it's been like this for at least a year.
What can I do? What advice can you offer on what equipment needs to be replaced/added, and what good options for that would be? I read the FAQ, but it's directed solely at those who want to lower their car... I just want it to ride like it did when I bought it. I'm not a newbie, and I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty... I just need some advice. I've tought myself most of what I know about cars, and that's from rough experience with my Nissan pickup.
Vehicle powered by the hand of God
well the faqs isnt all about lowering. they do tell you struts that will work w/ stock suspensions.
if you want it to ride better you can get kyb gr-2s or tokico hps. both are oem replacments. if you want to go a step farther you can get kyb agx which have adjustable damping so you can set it to where you like.
yeah it is probably an issue with blown struts.... that or the 18" wipers are throwing the aero off.... LOL

Knowledge about everything and yet an expert of nothing!!
Jack of all trades.
Hmm... looks like it's time to update my profile. Thanks for reminding me.
Struts, eh? Hmm... that's not too expensive. More than I can afford, but hey, whatever.
Do those usually come in pairs (ie, I order them and they send me both front struts?) And is there an easy way to see if one or other of the struts is blown?
Vehicle powered by the hand of God
you can push down on the corner of the car and see if it bounces more than normal but if you replace the struts with aftermarket ones you should replace all 4 w/ the same.
yes when you order them they usually come in pairs but some sites ive seen them list prices per strut so just make sure when you order