Hey guys,
well, she is 11 years old, but in all the time, my 'self-adjusting' rear brakes still lead me to have a weak ebrake.Yes the brakes work well, and i've adjusted them. But the ebrake can be yanked up pretty much to the last notch. Now the worst part is, i can't even get them to lock up and drag in the dry. Going low speeds in a parking lot and they wont lock up when the ebrake is yanked all the way up.
Anybody know how to adjust the ebrake on our jbodies? better yet...anybody actually done it? Drum brakes aren't the best, but i was able to drift in the dry with my vibe
Evolution of Cavyboy-->C22t--> C24na--->c24s/c
1995 Cavalier W/2k1 Engine
GM S/C 13.940@99.78pmh w/2.068 60ft
It's not meant to lock up the rear wheels. It's meant to stop the car from rolling because of gravity.
The information you seek is in the Maintanence Forum.....
i think mine sucks because my car got towed with it on once... towed probably about 15miles from my place at the time to the tow lot..
12.33 @ 111.67 mph [Oct 2009]
Dyno'd on 08/02/09 - Mustang Dyno:
327.6 WHP 333.6 WTQ [10.1 AFR]
Theres two ways.....because there are two places the ebrake can and will become slack.
1: Adjust the brakes - assuming thats done since its simple and self explanatory, I'll move on.
2: Sometimes the clock spring in the ebrake handles self adjusting mechanism gets stuck and wont suck-up the slack, so what you need to remove the console around the ebrake, then index the clock/return spring. The best way to do this is to lift up the handle a little and then hold the clock spring with a screw driver and then let the ebrake handle down, this will get the spring to click forward on the adjustment, basically this makes the ebrake assembly chock up on the ebrake cable.
CTS- you said it is not meant to lock up the rear wheels, but isn't it called an emergency brake, so it should do more then just stop the car from rolling with gravity, or am i wrong.
Goal is to make my '00 auto 2.4 run a 14.6 with no internals (cams will go in), and no F/I.
Actualy its called a parking brake now. lawsuits changed that name a while back.