I need to find a catalog with different rotor sizes and dimensions, because I need a very close dimension rotor. The only catalog i've found is off of disc brake australia's (dba) website, but I couldn't find what I was looking for. Any other places where I can find a catalog with specific dimensions? Thanks.
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
try baer?
Who needs a sig?
i need more specifics than baer. i also think that baer buys their rotors from dba.
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
I thought that GM, Baer and dba brake parts all came from PBR?
the calipers are pbr, but the rotors are dba (at least, in the baers, and gm calipers). anyway, i found a semi-catalog type thing off a website for brembos, and i found what i was looking for
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -